You're such a dork Shindo (Adam x Tadashi)

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Adam is not an asshole in this one, yayyyy.

Tadashi wakes up and looks over at his clock, seeing its 6:27, he shoots out to of bed as he sees he slept in late today. He runs over and opens the but stops when he sees Adam standing there with a tray in hand. "Tadashi? What are you doing you? Did you not see my note?"

"No?" Tadashi says confused, watching as Adam walks into his room and sets the tray down on his nightstand, picking up a piece of paper that was on it. Adam was just in his silk red robe and hands the paper to Tadashi, Tadashi reads the note quickly.

"Sleep in today Tadashi, I want you to relax and do what you want to today. It is your birthday after all. <3"

Tadashi looks at his phone and sees it's November 22nd, he quickly looks at Adam who's sitting on his bed. "But sir, what about your appointments today? Those can't be put off just because it's my birthday."

"Don't worry about that. Just sit down and relax with me." Adam smirks and becons Tadashi over. Tadashi sighs and sits down next to Adam.

"Are you sure about this? We really don't have to celebrate my birthday, it's not that big of a deal."

"It is a big deal. You're getting out of this, now relax and eat breakfast." Adam hands Tadashi the tray and takes off the lid, showing a beautiful made breakfast. 

Tadashi raises an eyebrow and looks at Adam. "You didn't cook this.. Did you?"

Adam chuckles and shakes his head. "No, I didn't want you getting food poisoning so I order you a lovely breakfast. I hope it's towards your liking."

Tadashi nods and bites into a crêpe, humming softly at how delicious it is. "What would you like to do today?" Adam asks softly, getting up and looking through Tadashi's closet.

"Is there anything I'm not allowed to do?"

"Yep, you're not allowed to work." Adam states and Tadashi sighs.

"Alright.. If I can't work, then can we go on a date?"

Adam quickly turns around, grinning widely. "Of course! I think we should go on a shopping date, you need a new outfit. Especially for what I have planned later, if you don't mind indulging a bit."

Tadashi nods and smiles softly, picking at the fruit tart. "That would be lovely."

Adam smiles and kisses Tadashi's forehead. "Will half an hour be enough time to get ready?"

"Yeah." Tadashi smiles back and stands up, placing the half-eaten tray of food down. Adam nods before leaving Tadashi's room.

A half an hour later Tadashi comes out in his usual black suit while Adam comes out in Tadashi's favorite beautiful red and Black suit Adam only uses for special events. Adam struts over to Tadashi and lifts his head up softly. "Ready?"

Tadashi feels his cheeks burn softly and he nods, "Yeah."

"Then let's get going." The two go out to the car and Adam going to the driver's seat. Tadashi raises an eyebrow.

"Sir? Is that a good idea?"

"Of course it is. I can't have you driving yourself around on your birthday after all." Adam waves off.

"If you say so." Tadashi nervously gets into the car and watches as Adam drives them to a very nice suit store. Tadashi quickly grabs onto the emergency bar just in case, Adam's driving makes him very nervous.

They finally get to the shop in one piece and enter, the attendants immediately go over to Adam but he shooed them over to Tadashi, saying he wanted to get him fitted into a nice suit.

The attendants quickly start hovering over Tadashi, giving him the same treatment he always sees Adam get.

Tadashi lets the attendants do what they need to, standing perfectly still for them and trying on what they suggest. In the end Tadashi ended up in a pearl white suit with black accents.

"You look amazing in that." Adam says, walking into Tadashi's fitting room and wrapping his arms around his waist.

Tadashi blushes lightly, looking at them in the mirror. "Are you sure I should wear this? I don't want to outshine you." 

"Of course, it's your birthday after all. I want you to outshine me." Adam rests his head on his shoulder, smiling softly at him. 

"You're to sweet." Tadashi smiles back, kissing Adam's forehead. "Where are we heading to next?"

"How about your favorite seafood restaurant?"

"If you don't mind." Tadashi smiles widely, Adam lets go and the two leave the shop, putting the suit on Adam's tab.

Adam yet again drives them and Tadashi holds on for dear life, by the time they get to the restaurant Tadashi's hair is terribly frazzled. Adam brushes it back a bit and smiles at him. "Sorry, maybe I should just let you drive from now on."

"Yeah, I think that would be best for both of us." The two head inside and after a bit they finally get their food, Tadashi obviously getting the oysters.

After they eat and indulge in some dessert, Adam gets up and walks over to Tadashi. "Kikuchi. I want to make this your most special birthday yet."

Tadashi smiles and interrupt Adam before he could say anything else. "You already have Shindo. Whatever else you have planned you don't have to do."

"Oh but I do Kikuchi, so please." Tadashi nods and Adam picks up his hands gently. "Kikuchi, you have always been here for me since we were just kids, you helped me through my darkest times and have shown me how to be a good person. I hold you dearest to my heart and I hope I can give the same to you for the rest of our lives."

Adam gets on one knee and Tadashi gasps softly, covering his mouth as Adam pulls out a beautiful blue and red diamond on a black wedding band. "I've wanted to give this to you for so long but never had the proper chance to. So Tadashi Kikuchi, will you marry me?"

Tadashi tears up and smiles brightly at Adam. "You're such a dork Shindo. Of course I'll marry you!"

Adam quickly slips on the ring, picking up him up and hugging him tightly.

The two look at each other, grinning before kissing each other roughly, holding onto each other like they would disappear if they let go.

Here, finally some Adam x Tadashi for you crazies, hope it was good enough. I'm half asleep when finishing this so excuse any mistakes I made.

Happy New Years to you all, hope the vibes are good and you all make it to next year.

As always, thank you so much for reading! I hope you liked the story, If there are any mistakes please tell me! And please tell me if you have any input!

Once again, thank you so much for reading and have a great day!

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