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kurt dropped the now emptied needle as tears rolled down his face. dave smiled weakly as moved his hand and rubbed kurt's side.

"you're doing a good job sweetheart. now, you just have to flush it down. okay?"dave encouraged as he kept his body and face close to the sobbing male.

blonde locks covered kurt's face as he nodded his head slowly. with shaking lips, his hand went up and placed his fingers on the flusher. slowly he makes the toilet flush down the drug.

kurt suddenly stumbled back, which caused dave to sumble as well. his arms wrapped themselves around kurt as the two slide down the wall next to the bathroom tub.

the toilet flushing echoed in the background as kurt let out loud sobs. his face hiding itself into dave's chest.

in a very vulnerable state.

dave felt himself tear up as he started to rub kurt's back. he whispered sweet nothings in the man's ear. as he swayed kurt to the side occasionally.

"kurt, kurt, look at me." dave muttered as he used his hands and lifted kurt's head. placing his hands onto kurt's tear stained cheeks.

blue eyes slowly look up as tears continued to stream down. making eye contact with dave grohl.

"i am so proud of you." dave says in a soft voice as he leaned his head down. pressing his forehead softly against kurt's.

"proud of me..?" kurt croaked out as he sniffled a few times. dave nodded his head. "you did that all by yourself. yes, im very proud of you. its okay, kurty."

dave's voice cracked on its own as he held kurt close. "that drug is very addictive. it – it – it can kill you. kurt, it can actually kill you. do you want that?"

then silence.

kurt hummed softly as he moved himself away from dave. his back pressed against the door now. the two were a few inches a part.

the atmosphere was too tense. kurt suddenly got up. he opened the door. not even crying anymore. dave gasped when he realized.

panicked, dave frantically scrambled himself up to his feet and left the bathroom.

watching kurt walk into the bedroom for a moment before following along.

"kurt! you better answer that!" dave shouts in a panic as he entered kurt's bedroom. to see the blonde sitting on the floor beside his bed.

staring at the floor blankly.

dave knelt down and reached out and held onto kurt's hands. tears sting into the chestnut colored eyes that belonged to dave as his lips trembled.

"kurt. you feel..suicidal?" dave croaked out the question. kurt lifted his gaze slowly. looking at the drummer as he sighed.

"sometimes." kurt muttered out the truth. dave suddenly broke into tears as he brought the blonde into a hug.

kurt felt bad. he didn't want dave to cry. he wrapped his arms around dave and hugged the taller brunet close.

"hey, don't cry. please." kurt spoke softly. he pulled back and raised his sleeved arm. using the sleeve as he wiped daves tears away.

"please don't cry." kurt repeated as dave sniffled. calming down as he eyed kurt with worry and love.

dave nodded. "im sorry, it just scares me at the thought of loosing you." his voice cracked as he pushed kurt's hair away.

kurt hummed as he leaned in, he softly kissed dave's tear stained cheeks.

dave felt his heart flutter when he felt the sudden affection. it started to soothe him down.

"i refuse to leave the planet without you." kurt muttered as he pulled his head back.

"im sorry i scared you." he apologized in a calm tone of voice.

"i'll help you." - kaveWhere stories live. Discover now