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once he finished making himself the glass of tea. he carefully carried it into the living room and takes a seat.

turning on the television as he noticed it started to get dark outside. he hummed as he takes a sip of the warm drink.

feeling his stomach start to feel better. he relaxed. watching the story and sipping on his tea for a good while before the door suddenly knocked.

kurt sets the halfway empty teacup down as he walked over to the door. the tv quietly playing in the background.

he was currently watching ' law and order. '

kurt grasped the handle and opened it. revealing dave. dave felt a smile tugged up on his lips as he pulled the shorter male into a hug.

kurt hummed as he wrapped his arms around the brunet. hugging him back in return.

"hi." kurt whispered as the two separated. dave eyes kurt with admirable feelings as he continued to smile.

"hey, hon. how are you feeling?" dave asks again. he meant to add the nickname. he wanted to help kurt.
no, needed too.

"not the best right now." kurt replied as he watched dave shut the front door. kurt grabbed the remote and shuts off the television so the two can talk.

"talk to me." dave encouraged as he sits on the couch with kurt. his hands traveled and held onto the grunge singers.

kurt suddenly felt his stomach twist with butterflies. he knew that it was love. in factuality, he has a deep crush on dave grohl. but the other didn't know.

he only got with courtney to hide those feelings. but now the woman is out of the picture. so the feelings for the drummer reconnected themselves.

"courtney left me. she left me to rot man. i loved her so much." kurt began as he stared at their hands. Dave hummed as his thumb grazed on top of kurt's calloused and pale skinned hands.

"she used me. she just wanted sex. and drugs. and money. she didn't love me. nobody loves me."

he muttered numbly. his eyes sulking with pain as he extracted his hands back. the sky was now dark.

signifying it was night.

"hey, don't say that." dave spoke softly as he eyed kurt with concern and love. kurt shakes his head and stands up.

"anyway uh.. i painted something for you. let me go grab that." kurt informed dave as a small smile grew on his face.

he quickly went upstairs. dave hummed. he knew something was off still. getting up himself, he walked upstairs.

looking around the hallway, he noticed kurt wasn't present. dave quietly walked into Kurt's bedroom.

seeing the heart shaped box on the floor. a burnt spoon besides it and finally the syringe close to the closet door.

his chestnut brown eyes widened in shock as he quickly went over. grabbing the syringe carefully with his hands.

"davey!" kurt shouted, getting closer to the bedroom. knowing the drummer was inside there. because the bedroom door was closed earlier.

in a panicked state, dave shoved the syringe into his back pocket and looked over.

"sorry, i was looking for you." dave muttered once he noticed kurt came into view.

kurt hummed, thinking nothing of it as he walked over. the two sat on the bed.

dave being mindful of the syringe, sat on his knees. kurt flipped over the canvas and showed the painting to dave.

dave eyes it as a smile tugged up his lips. the brunet eyed the colors in awe. it was truly a work of art.

kurt felt himself blush as he muttered. "i painted this..and it reminded me of us. see here's you, holding me. and im, in your arms." he muttered out the explanation.

"aww, that's so sweet. thank you kurt." dave happily spoke as he held the painting close. eyeing the beautiful colored flowers and trees that rested in the background.

"mhmm." kurt hummed as he eyed dave with love. dave seemed to notice as he lifted his head. returning the look.

"now there's a lot to talk about." dave suddenly spoke as he watched kurt sit back in his bed. his shoes on the bed as he tucked up his legs.

dave carefully puts the painting down by the lamp as he gave kurt a serious look.

"alot to talk about." he repeated, more worriedly.

"i'll help you." - kaveWhere stories live. Discover now