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kurt watched a movie that played quietly on the television. the bottle half empty as he felt a bit buzzed.

he placed the bottle on the coffee table. he totally forgot to grab his mail today. deciding to just walk out with his socks on, he left the house.

he stumbled a bit down the porch steps. his breath tickled with vodka as he approached his mailbox.

he opened the lid and takes out the mail. bills and a few magazines. he grunted as sniffled.

walking back to his house as he scanned through the few envelopes. walking up the stairs.

he entered his home and used his foot to shut the door behind him. he sat back onto his brown colored chair that matched the couch.

he opened the bill mail. seeing it was the electric and his rent.
a loud groan in agitation left out of his body as he slammed the bills onto the table.

"fuck." he spat out. he knew he would have to ask dave or krist for some money since courtney took the amount he had for those exact bills.

"few days without it won't kill me." he muttered as he opened one of the magazines. reading it as the sky started to get darker.

night was falling in.

he felt the high of the heroin slowly slide away. the heaviness of alcoholism and depression remained.
he bit his lip as he turned the page of the magazine in his hands.

trying to ignore the sudden thoughts in his head. but reading wasn't helping. shutting the magazine, he sets it on the table along with the others.

he got up from where he sat. eyeing the acoustic guitar beside the fender. he walked over and grabbed it.

sitting on the couch now. he carefully held the instrument in his hands as he tuned it for a moment.

he blinked his eyes slowly as he started to strum the riff of 'oh me' by the meat puppets.

he closed his eyes as he listened to the music he played. singing the lyrics quietly as the rain continued to hit the window panes.


the living room looked darker. besides a faint glow of the lamp that was on beside him.

"♪ i can't see the end of me. my whole expanse, i cannot see. i formulate infinity. and store it deep inside of me.♪ "

he opened his eyes as he played the ending riff, having the song come to a close.

he stopped and kept a hold of the guitar in his hand. extending out his right arm and grabbing the bottle of alcohol.

he takes a swig of it as he sighed. suddenly hearing the phone ring. he got startled as his grip tightened on the bottle. the guitar resting in his lap.

he grunted and placed the bottle on the table. moving the guitar off himself and placed it back in the spot where it was previously.

he walked over to the kitchen. hearing the constant high pitched ringtone.

he hummed as he grabbed the phone from the wall. the little chord dangling as he leaned against the counter.

the phone pressed against his ear. he didn't speak. he didn't say hello. he just waited for the other line to start speaking.

"kurt you there? i know you are. you picked up the phone. its dave."

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