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(⚠️drug use.)

a few hours passed. they just finished their rehearsal and they were pretty much prepared for the concert.

courtney never came downstairs. in fact she was preparing more of the heroin  than what she usually would.

currently, the three men were downstairs smoking a bawl of marijuana. while courtney was upstairs doing..that.

kurt felt his eyes dilate a bit as he laid his head back. accidentally onto dave's lap. he was about to sit back up but dave shakes his head.

"no, it's okay. you can lay there." dave muttered as a small smile grows onto his face. the blonde hummed as he laid his head back onto the brunets lap.

krist chuckled softly as he sets the bong down. all three were a little stoned. but not too the complete extent.

"what time is it?" kurt croaked out as the drummers hand slowly went into kurt's blonde locks. twirling it and playing with it.

a relaxed sigh left out of kurt once he felt dave's fingers. it actually was nice. rather, it was more calming and soft than what courtney would do.

a memory from last night popped up into his head, the time courtney tugged onto his hair.
yes, he liked it during sexual purposes. but – not just out of the ordinary and/or out of the blue.

it actually hurt him.

he suddenly tensed up. dave seemed to notice as he answered kurt's question. "six, gotta leave at six-thirty. are you okay?"

kurt nodded slowly. dave removed his hand. "sorry ." he muttered out an apology. the blonde felt his heart ache a bit. he wasn't sure why. it just, ached.

"no, it's okay." kurt muttered as he sat up. "let's just get the instruments loaded into the car. then just go."

"where's courtney?" dave decided to ask. kurt shrugged. "upstairs." krist hummed as he tossed the magazine onto the coffee table.

"let's go then."

"grab my fender.. i have to say bye to her." kurt told dave as he quickly went up the stairs.

as dave and krist were loading up their van, kurt was upstairs.

he opened the door too see courtney carefully filling up another syringe. a few full ones sprawled across the floor.

kurt chewed on his lip. it was right there. in front of him. her head turned once she was finished.

kurt shut the door behind himself as he walked over. "baby, baby, baby. can i..?" he asked, almost desperately.

courtney suddenly grinned as she nodded. "only a little. let me inject your amount."

kurt nodded happily. he was too naïve. the addiction was getting to him. he sat down in front of her. holding his hand out.

courtney picked up one of the syringes and took a hold of kurt's hand. he bit his lip as he watched.

his blue eyes widened as the needle was brought up to a vein in his hand.
"ready?" she asked with an evil grin. knowing this plan up her sleeve was working.

kurt naively nodded his head. his blonde locks swayed a bit. "hurry. hurry. they're waiting for me."

courtney nodded as kurt takes a deep breath. feeling the syringe poke into the large vein in his hand. she slowly pushed a quarter of it into his system.

kurt felt his head lower as he blinked slowly. her hand slowly retracted the syringe away.

"there, that should subside your pain for the night." she says and kissed kurt's head. "run along now."

kurt slowly stood himself up. he muttered a 'thanks'as he left the room. he groaned softly as he walked down the stairs.

grabbing a pack of cigarettes, he wiped the incoming sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand.

he then left the house.

stumbling a bit to the car. he opened the backseats door and crawled into it.

krist and dave we're sitting in the front.

"you ok?" krist hesitantly asked as he starts up the car. the instruments packed and ready to go.

kurt instantly nodded his head. his eyes had a small hue of pink from the weed still. his pupils were pinpointed.

realizing he was high on two substances. he sighed softly and laid his head on the window sill. watching the trees go by as the car moves.

"better than ever." he slurred out.

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