9. A Whole New World (of spice)

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Finished - October 1, 2022

Word Count - 3922

Music - Men of Honor - Two Steps From Hell


Settling into the dorm was easier than Allira expected. After the first week, she already considered the dorms to be her home. In general, Allira adapted very quickly to new living environments. But this was different then all the other places she lived.

Firstly, she had been separated from her father. Which proved easier than she thought. Allira was able to visit her father's house for dinner any time she wanted, this alone helped calm her separation anxieties.

Secondly, she was sharing a living space with twenty other people. But once again, the stark change wasn't as bad as she assumed. Some of the students were more social than others, but the extroverts found each other and made their own plans together. When looking for people to talk to, they mostly hung out in the main room. It became a great hangout space.

On the other hand, introverts like Allira stayed mostly in their own rooms. Grouped into pairs or trios they danced from one place to another. Socializing just enough to satisfy their need, then would flee back upstairs.

Allira found she stayed mostly with Jiro, Bakugo and Totoroki. Each introverts of their own, but friends with louder people. In addition, if she ever felt overwhelmed, she had a safe quiet space to escape. Her room was on the top floor, all the way in the corner. The quietest room in the entire building and it was perfect.

In the evenings, small groups would gather around the large tables of lounge on the couches to study. Allira found this a perfect time to socialize in silence. Each person brought their notebooks, pencils and text books. Together they could sit and study as a group. Occasionally someone would ask a question, or request help on a particularly difficult section. The sessions proved helpful and productive.

The class would often eat meals together too. When one person decided to make food, it would entice another person to eat, which reminded someone else that they were hungry and it turned into a giant snacking fest. The kitchen would turn into a giant melting pot of different meals cooking. Which of course they all eat together.

All these little moments made it very easy to get to know everyone and forced Allira to drop her one hard rule of "no friends". By the end of the first week, she knew everyone's name and felt generally comfortable around them all.

After her disastrous attempt at the apple tarts, she and Sato would bake together every week. Making large batches of wonderful pastries, cookies and other delicious desserts. It was everyone's favorite night of the week, when the main area filled with the lovely smell of sugar and bread.

A close second to "favorite night" was when Aizawa brought his seven year old daughter to visit. Her name was Eri and she was the sweetest little girl Allira had ever met. She had just finished kindergarten and always came with stories about what she learned. Her eyes sparkled when shared her tales of bugs and machines. Eri seemed to find the most simple things fascinating, things like rainbows, radios, fireworks and hair clips. Almost as if she had never seen them before and everything was new.

Allira found it extremely amusing when she found out that Eri's favorite people were Midoriya and Bakugo. They were completely opposite personalities. Midoriya was kind, excitable and emotional. While Bakugo was loud, explosive and sometimes inappropriate for children. But Allira agreed with Eri, they were fun to watch.

Monday mornings were always chaotic, after the craze of the weekend, no one seemed ready for the new week. The entryway was flooded with students hurrying to grab their shoes as they pushed and shoved each other, all trying to be the first one out of the door.

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