6. Through the Clouds

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Finished - September 3, 2022

Word Count - 3036

Music - Fate's Compass - Audiomachine


Allira adjusted her grip on the cardboard box and carefully walked up the stairs. Packing her things was extremely easy, after so many moves, she was an expert. Over and over, she used the same boxes, packing the same things.

However, this time was different. Even though she was moving living spaces, she was not leaving her situation. She would still be surrounded by the same people and attending the same classes. Which was an odd experience, to move, but not move.

Atop the third floor, Allira passed several doors on her way to her own. Many of her fellow students littered the hallway, all trying to move in before the weekend ended, because classes resumed without delay on monday.

Keeping her head down, Allira snuck past them and pushed open her own door. Room C15, her new home. The room was bland and small, a perfect canvas to make her own space. Allira was very used to empty rooms and white walls.

Setting the heavy box down Allira fell upon the mattress of her bed, she then looked upon all the boxes sprawled on the floor. All waiting to be unpacked and put away. Even though the room was empty, something about it was comfortable. Possibly because she already knew her neighbors. 

She thought about putting up decorations, to trick herself into thinking she would be there long term. In general, Allira wasn't a big decorator. Her family had little money to buy house accessories, plus it would be one more thing to pack up.

With a sigh, Allira knelt down and opened one of the boxes. Inside held a lamp, school supplies and other knick knacks. She reached inside and picked out a small wooden frame. The simple frame held an old family photo, which pictured her family of three. Before her mother was taken.

Her parents standing close with an overjoyed seven year old Allira standing in front. Times were simple then, before they were forced to move so often. Before her father became so distantly involved in his work.

She tried not to focus on the past, not to dwell on happier times, because those memories were now shadowed with sadness. She still had many things to be thankful for, her father being one of them. She valued his opinion and trusted him. She loved him. He was her rock.

She couldn't have moved into the dorms without her father's support. After her confrontation with Bakugo in the library, she ran to her father. She was worried about leaving the house, because then he would be alone and they had never lived apart before. But surprisingly, he encouraged her to live on campus. Told her not to be afraid and that it would be good for her. After their conversation, Allira felt much better about the situation.

With a heavy sigh, she placed the photo on the bedside table and started to put all her things away neatly. It didn't take long to completely unpack, she didn't own a lot of stuff.

She had brought only the essentials which included: a week's worth of regular clothes, her school uniform, bathroom toiletries, study items, a few books, her craft supplies and a ton of sunscreen.

Allira always carried sunscreen with her, her pale skin burned on the cloudiest days, therefore she always kept it within arms reach. At all times.

With such a small load, she was finished unpacking before any of her classmates had finished bringing their things inside the building.

Since she didn't have anything else to do, so she decided to walk around the building and people watch. Not bothering to lock her door, she walked down the hallway to see how her classmates were fairing with the move.

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