Chapter one

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Katherine had never given much thought as to what her life would be like if she didn't have her family, family was everything to her, a person doesn't truly know how deeply they care for something until it's too late and it's gone.

In the last three months a lot had changed for Katherine Hathaway, in just ninty days a lot
Of things had happened, first her little sister and her sisters friend had finally returned to the academy.

Just three months ago Katherine had been happy, she had her sister Rose, Lissa the princess the sister by anything but blood, Andre dragomir the prince her brother in everything but blood and finally her parents in anything but blood rhea and Eric.

Three months ago they were all happy, all happy and alive and now only three of them lived, the three who truly didn't know anything about life, the three who needed all the help they could get.

The day of the car crash that killed Eric, Rhea and Andre had almost taken the lives of Rose and Katherine too but by some miracle the two along with Lissa had made it out alive, but not all of them without scars. Katherine had woken in the hospital to find out that her sister and Lissa had ran, they had left and she was made to pick up the pieces.

Katherine at the age of eighteen was left to help plan three funerals, make sure that people knew what happened and help find her sisters, all while dealing with comments and looks by everyone that looked at the deep scar on her back whenever it was on show. Kat had been told that if her scar had been even a centimetre to the left she would have been dead, so she never took life for granted anymore.

In the early house of the morning Katherine had been notified of her sisters return to the academy, which is where she Instantly rushed to the headmistresses office.

Without even knocking she walked straight inside, both Alberta the head of the guardians and Kirova the head of the school had been prepared to yell at whoever walked through the door but the second they saw the pain on the young girls face they instantly shut up.

The guardian in the corner however had other ideas, he was new, she knew that but with one simple look it had him backing down, something he never did before, it confused him how one look from this novice had him like this but with a simple look to both of his bosses he knew this was regular.

Mikhail Tanner moved from the door and leaned down to brush his mouth against the girls ear as he quietly whispered to her
"Do not be too hard on them, they understand their mistakes, they are in pain too Kat" he whispered softly
She looked up at him and blinked "they don't know the pain I'm in Mik and you know that" she growled slightly before taking a step away from him

Rose looked at her older sister and her face instantly paled, whereas Lissa genuinely looked frightened causing the new guardian to step forward.

Kat snapped her head towards him "this does not concern you" she muttered

He looked down at her before he glared slightly "she is my charge" he answered her back his voice heavily accented, his russian accent actually quite soothing though she wouldn't tell him that

Alberta looked to him and shook his head "Dimitri this doesn't concern any of us for the moment" she muttered softly watching has he slowly took a step back

"Kat" Lissa smiled trying to smooth things out between the three of them, always being the more level headed of them

Kat looked at her before she glared slightly "now is not the time to be the dignified princess is it Vasilissa" she growled slightly

Lissa looked at the girl in shock before turning her head to Rose "there was no need for that"

This time it was roses turn to be glared at, something she always hated was when her sister was angry.

"No need" she scoffed "you two have no idea the mess you have caused, three god damn months of no calls, no letters, no nothing, do either of you even know what happened after you just upped and left me while I was still unconscious"

Rose rolled her eyes "you were perfectly fine" she muttered causing mikhail and Alberta to look at her with frowns on their faces.

Kat looked at her sister and frowned "fine, I was far from fine, I was in hospital for two months, while in there I needed two surgeries, I had to plan three funerals all while talking to the queen about how we would find the pair of you, I was far from goddamn fine" she spoke, now she was all but shouting causing mikhail to take a step forward

Lissa looked at the girl she had called a sister for a long time and instantly frowned "when I spoke to the nurse she told me you were okay"

Kat shook her head "I was not fine, and each time I woke up and wanted my family there with me I was forced to remember the fact that three people I called my family had died, all while my two sisters had upped and left me, you two may have had each other but I was alone, completely and utterly alone, so alone that I wished that car crash had killed me" she muttered the last part but the gasps from both Lissa and Rose and the small pained one from Alberta they had heard her.

In that moment mikhail could see how heart broken the girl in front of him was.

Dimitri looked at the girl and frowned softly instantly knowing she didn't deserve any of this
"о господи, бедная девочка" he muttered (oh dear lord, poor girl)

Mikhail stepped forward and watched how she tensed quickly, the old Katherine was never as reserved or even as mature but dealing with everything that she had in the last few months had changed the girl in many ways and it pained everyone that knew her to see this.

He looked down at her "you were not alone, never Kat" he whispered softly "maybe it's best if we continue this discussion at another time, your sister and the princess need to be reprimanded and you have an appointment" he said the concern clear in his voice as he watched the pain quickly cross her face

Alberta looked at her and frowned "please for the love of everything tell me you did not run here" she muttered as she quickly stood up

Kat looked at her and sighed "you know I can never lie to you Alberta, your like a mother to me" she whispered

Alberta frowned "have you ripped your stitches, are you bleeding, or does it just hurt" she mumbled as she put her hand on the girls cheek, a girl she had all but raised for so many years

She smiled a little "just sore, I ran out of pain meds and they need you to sign my forms" she muttered

Alberta nodded and quickly wrote a note before handing it to her "leave the princess and Rose to us, mikhail will be here to supervise, Belikov could you kindly take miss hathaway here to the infirmary"

Dimitri nodded and Instantly walked to her making her tense even more, confusing not only him but also Lissa and Rose, something had happened to Kat and they didn't know what or why.

Alberta looked at her and smiled "he is a seasoned guardian, highly decorated and recommended to me by the head of st.basils, trust him"

Kat looked to her for a moment before she nodded and looked back at the man, she slowly relaxed when she looked at his eyes, a persons eyes always told her things, and his eyes in that moment showered concern, he was concerned for a person he barely knew and that made her trust him, so she turned on her heels and walked out of the office, Dimitri trailing after her.

She was happy that Rose and Lissa were safe, but she was jealous that in the months after the crash they had been with each other while she had dealt with everything alone and now she could not help but feel even more alone as she looked at the bond they now both shared, Katherine Hathaway was now simply an outsider in a family  that had once been whole.

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