The Game of Temptation ~13~

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Hey guys!

So, first things first, the dedication is because she made the banner on the side!!:)

Second, I uploaded the prologue of my newest story: Help Me Feel. It's dark (well, darker than I usually do), so if certain things offend you (like suicide, depression, cutting) don't read it. But, otherwise, please check it out?

Third, I love the responses you guys have to this story!! It's amazing!:)) Thank you guys!!!:D It's incredible:D I love finding out who you like and why!

I also think it's hilarious because I'll be reading comments and be thinking, "ooh, you're team___? Ouch, you're going to hate me at the end of this.." xD

ANYWAY... Enjoy:)

Chapter Thirteen


 "I'm sorry," Alex apologized again.

 I sighed. "Alex, it's fine. Your dad hasn't seen you yet, you're allowed to see your family." I smiled, giving him a quick kiss. At least, it was supposed to be quick.

 Once again our hormones took over, and my hands managed to tangle themselves in Alex's hair.

 "Dammit, yeah, I know," he breathed, pulling away suddenly. "I love you. See you tomorrow?"

 I nodded, hugging him tightly. "See you tomorrow."

 He jumped into his truck, and drove off, making me sigh again. Now that I was alone...

 I pulled out my phone, and dialed Care's number. I had four hours left before my 10PM curfew, I could do this without anyone hearing.

 "Done screwing your boyfriend?" Care asked me, making me laugh.

 "For now," I admitted.

 "So, why did you stop and call me?"

 "He had to go home, and I know I owe you an explanation," I told her, and suddenly the mood turned a little more serious.

 "Yeah, you do. How the hell did you and my brother end up kissing?" Care practically shouted.

 I held the phone away slightly, taking a seat on the swings. It was cold, sure, but it wasn't as cold as it had been earlier. Not that it made sense, but this was Texas; the weather never made sense.

 "I don't know, Care. One minute we're arguing about God knows what, and the next he's kissing me."

 "Tell me everything," she told me, sternly. I sighed and told her every word I could remember. Sadly, not much was left out. The entire thing had run through my head a couple of times, and it hadn't been that long ago.

 "So, what are you going to do?" Care asked, as I finished the story.

 I groaned. "I don't know, Care. Nothing, probably. I told Alex, and he was so sweet. God, I don't deserve him. I got mad at him for kissing Chloe for two seconds, but I actually make out with Ren and he just tells me that he'll forget it happened because he trusts that it was a one-time thing."

 I could practically hear Care's mouth fall open. "He did? Holy shit, what the hell?"

 I almost laughed. "I know, that's what I was thinking. Care, do you still hate him? I mean, he's clearly not as bad as I am."

 She was quiet, but finally she said, "I don't hate him. But I also don't like him. He kissed someone else first, and then he thought the best idea was to ignore you."

 I shook my head. "So? His was accidental! Completely accidental. Mine was..." I trailed off. I didn't even know what mine was. "I don't know. I just know that it can never happen again, Care. Ever."

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