12 - I can't protect you both.

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I grunted once fully teleported out of the tavern. Elizabeth and Hawk were on the floor beside me, though some how they managed to land on their feet. Of course I get stuck with an animal I'm somewhat fearful of, and a royal who I don't particularly care for. I brushed my icy hair out of my face and stood to my feet, trying to get a gauge on where we are.

"We're at the castle. These are the dungeons." Elizabeth states as if she read the question from my mind. I nodded at her and cracked my neck and knuckles for preparation.

"I'll get us out of here." I glared at the door blocking our exit and kicked it with as much force as I could muster. I wasn't at my full strength since the battle at Vaizel but it was enough to send the door flying off its hinges.

"That was amazing Lady Amihan!" I spun to Elizabeth and pointed my pale finger at her.

"Enough with the formalities Elizabeth. Just call me Amihan. I've grown tired of hearing such from your mouth." I left after saying that, leading our strange group away from our cell and hopefully towards an exit.

"Father! Margaret! Where are you?!" Elizabeth calls and I roll my eyes at her, preparing my dagger for the inevitable. If she keeps shouting like this, we're bound to get caught. Why couldn't I have been taken away with Ban? Or even Meliodas. Hell, I would even take King over these two. What could they even want with me? I get Elizabeth, she's a run away royal. That's important. I'm just some peasant girl pretty much.

"It's like you want us to get caught Elizabeth!" Hawk whined as he trotted behind me but beside Elizabeth. I never thought I'd say this, but I agree with the damn pig.

"Ellie? Is that you?" A feminine voice muttered from a cell. Elizabeth jumped at the voice and rushed to the door, sadly smiling at whoever was inside.

"Margaret! What are you doing down here?" I scoffed as I made eye contact with what looked to be Elizabeth's sister. Not only was I babysitting one royal, but of course we had to run into another one.

The two of them talked for a while, much to my dismay. It was revolting to see them both in such emotional states over the fact they had been away from each other for so long. But I remembered the pain of being away from Ban for all that time and I felt my icy gaze melt slightly.

"What a touching reunion." I instinctively slashed my dagger towards the sound of that familiar voice, which earned a hiss in return. I finally managed to wound the bitch who teleported us here in the first place.

"You vile woman!" She screeched before using her magical abilities to send me into one of the many brick walls, my head bouncing off of the concrete floor as I landed.

"At least that one will be out of the game for a while." The mage's voice sounded like static in my ears until the black spots that clouded my vision finally took over, sending me into a deep slumber.


I was awoken by a light shaking and a hazy but familiar voice. I fluttered my eyes open and saw myself inches away from Meliodas, a stern look on his face. I rubbed my head to attempt to rid the cloudiness which fogged it.

"There you are. Was thinking you weren't going to be back for a while." He quietly spoke, a small smile on his face. My vision was slightly blurred and my hair was still damp from my own blood, but I refused to succumb to the darkness again. Meliodas helped me to my feet where I swayed for a while before ultimately having to lean on him for support.

"Come on Ami, I need you to be strong. Hendrickson still wants you and Elizabeth and I can't protect you both." Although he didn't outright say it, I felt an added wave of hurt wash over me. He was practically saying he is going to protect Elizabeth so he can't protect me. I don't know why it hurt so deeply, but I felt those words shake me to my core.

"Come on Ami, I need you to be strong. I need to help Elizabeth." He spoke with fierce determination. I felt my eyes prick as I nodded my head, pulling myself off of the floor and stretching out my aching bones. He flew into the air with ebony wings to stand alongside Elizabeth in front of an army of people. I spat blood to the side of me and quickly wiped away the salty tears that managed to leak through before following in suit.

"Ami, come on." Meliodas added, nudging me out of my daydream. I hummed a response, taking all of my weight off of him and hobbled towards the exit of the room before he could speak again. Before I could reach the door, what felt like a earthquake hit us and the castle began crumbling immediately. I jumped and attempted to land on the ground as safely as possible, whilst I noticed Meliodas was holding Elizabeth in his arms protectively.

I landed to the ground with a thud, my feet giving way on me and my body smashing into the ground. The breath was completely knocked from my lungs from the impact but I managed to regain the air I lost.

"Are you okay Elizabeth?" Now that was the icing on the fucking cake. I have had enough of these feelings that consumed me whenever Meliodas put her ahead of me. I was tired of feeling belittled by these emotions I didn't understand. I barely knew Meliodas yet those words hurt more then that fall from the castle.

Just as I felt a wave of something hit me from inside, the screams of people around me seemed to halt it. I pulled myself up to my feet and glanced around with wide eyes. Holy Knights were being transformed into beasts from another world, all at the same time. It seems that the other sins joined us in this moment, though I couldn't see Ban. Everyone was talking in panicked voices, but their words didn't hit my brain hard enough to comprehend what was going on. Everything was spinning, though I could make out an extremely tall man walking towards us, ebony markings covering a chunk of his body. I tried to make out his words but the static like noise just got louder. It took everything in me not to pass out in that moment. I couldn't keep my legs holding me any longer and I collapsed onto the ground.

I willed myself to gain some strength; I needed to be able to protect those around me. But I couldn't shake off the fogginess from all the damage I had received recently. I rolled onto my back just in time to witness the tall guy with black markings pierce a sword through both Meliodas and the Holy Knight who was with us.

"Meliodas!" I screamed as his body hit the floor and blood pooled around him. I forced myself to my feet for a second time and brandished my dagger, staggering as I did so.

"Ah, and you're Amihan. Once I finish these 2 off, I can finally use both you and Elizabeth to break the seal." I spat blood towards him and grunted as I tried hobbling forward.

"Amihan no!" Meliodas croaked. Realistically, I knew I was too weak to fight this man. But I needed to do something. I felt an overwhelming amount of hurt seeing Meliodas laying extremely injured on the floor. He did so much to protect the whole group whilst I have done nothing.

"D—Don't kill them. I will go with you." I dropped my dagger beside Meliodas' body and finished walking the short distance to the tall man. At the last step, my body gave way and fell straight into him. He wrapped an arm around my waist before I could hit the ground again and brushed a hair from my face. He sported an evil smirk.

"Who thought the future queen on the demon race would give up so quickly?" He hummed just before my body fell into the dark void I had tried so hard to avoid until now. There was no stopping it with the amount of damage I had sustained recently, and his words got lost in the fog my brain was wrapped in.

Ban's Little Sister - Meliodas x OCWhere stories live. Discover now