30 - Strange Double Date

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"Uhm— Hello..?" Oh fuck.

Howzer. I had forgotten about him in the midst of everything else going on. And now both Mel and I had been caught in a rather intimate setting. Don't get me wrong, it's not like he walked in to what we did last night, but it was still odd to see us cuddling as we were.

Meliodas let go of me like I was burning him, jumping away slightly and clearing his throat. He tried stumbling out a response as to why we would be how we was, his brain was pulling a blank. I thought fast, beginning to let out sniffles. Both boys eyes snapped to me as I rubbed my eyes.

"It's fine Meliodas, Howzer can know." I hugged myself as Meliodas' eyes bulged from their sockets.

"Amihan, no! You can't tell him—" I cut Meliodas off.

"I was crying about my past life. I can tell you about it if you want Howzer." Meliodas' shoulders were still tensed, unsure where I was going with this. How little did this man believe in me? It's like he thought I was gonna tell Howzer my extensive sexual history with Meliodas.

"Uh— Sure?" He cleared his throat awkwardly, sitting himself beside Meliodas and helping himself to a pancake. I sat opposite them, running a hand through my hair to feign discomfort.

"Well as you know, I'm a Demon." I stated the obvious, trying to rack my brain for something to tell him that wouldn't incriminate Meliodas. Finally having a lightbulb moment, I concentrated on seeming genuine.

"My father was a rather high up demon himself, him and mother did all they could to suck up to the Demon king." I began, twisting my fingers around themselves as I spoke. Howzer nodded, leaning forward with real intrigue. "So when an opportunity to climb in the social ladder came, he took it. He practically sold me to the demon king as he had 3 sons, but one which was my age and I had known since I was an infant." My eyes began to prick just recalling back to Zeldris. I wouldn't let him know that Zel was in fact my best friend, but remembering the good times helped sell the upset factor.

"That's horrible!" Howzer looked to Meliodas for confirmation of his feelings.

"Oh— Yeah horrible." I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes at his horrid acting skills.

"Obviously, I wanted to marry for love and not a potential opportunity to rise in the ranks. But I wasn't allowed that chance. So when the chance to rebel against the demon king and my father came, I took it." I looked up into Howzer's eyes, my own glistening slightly from tears that wanted to fall but I kept inside. He placed his hand over mine and squeezed.

"You're so brave, Amihan. I can't imagine how difficult that must of been." I nodded at his words, letting out another couple sniffles before dabbing my eyes again. I took a deep breath.

"That's why Meliodas was comforting me. Where I'm just getting back into my form, I keep experiencing past memories all over again which are obviously painful to remember. The Ten Commandments are here to take over Britannia and to kill me for being traitorous all them years ago. It's all rather daunting." The scared woman act never failed to convince a holy knight, and this time was no different. Howzer rounded the bar and pulled me into a hug, similar to the one he caught Meliodas and I in. I let my body relax into his hold, which didn't quite feel as good as being in Mel's arms, but I wasn't brain dead. Howzer was an attractive man and being wrapped up in his muscular arms wasn't exactly my idea of a bad time.

I leant to the side slightly and gave Meliodas a discrete thumbs up behind Howzers back. Meliodas stuck a finger to his mouth and pretended to throw up with an eye roll. Dramatic as ever. It was crazy to think that the childish man before me was once one of the most feared and emotionless demons to exist. I'm still unsure of how he magically sprouted emotions, but I'm not sure I ever will. Did he even know?

"Good morning everyone." Her angelic voice sung as she drifted down the stairs and into the seat beside Meliodas. He quickly did up the top button of his shirt, greeting Elizabeth as she had done to us. Howzer pulled away from me slightly, keeping his hands on my hips gently.

"If you ever need to talk Amihan, please do come to me." He smiled so charmingly that it made me think that if I was human, perhaps it would have been enough to make me fall helplessly in love with the man. But alas, I was not and thus it was not.

"I didn't know you and Lady Amihan were together?" Elizabeth swooned slightly at the thought, which made my eyebrows knot together.

"Oh— Uh—" Howzer's cheeks went bright red as he let go of me to rub the back of his neck. The bashfulness of Howzer made Meliodas snort loud enough for all eyes to fall onto the man with a mouthful of bacon. He looked up from his plate realising the noise wasn't as quiet as he had hoped.

"What's so funny about that?" I probed, folding my arms over my chest. He quickly chewed and swallowed so he could answer and not leave us all lingering in this quite awkward encounter. It felt like a very strange double date in which two people blindly thought it was amazing whilst the other two wanted to be as far away from the situation as possible. Guess what category I fitted in.

"Nothing! I just, well, I just didn't think Howzer here would be your type is all." He shrugged nonchalantly, trying to return to his food as if he hadn't just confused all three of us.

"Why wouldn't he be Amihan's type?" Elizabeth questioned innocently, completely unaware that she was helping Meliodas dig himself into a deep hole. Howzer stared at him with hardened confusion, silently awaiting his answer. He huffed, putting down his cutlery.

"Well I would of thought that a demon from 3000 years ago who was some high up warrior would want someone more similar to themselves." Now was my turn to snort, the hypocrisy of the situation becoming vaguely amusing.

"You know, the leader of my group back in those times fell in love with a goddess." His eyes widened at my words, and the other two whipped there heads to me.

"I've never heard of such things! I mean a goddess and a demon? How would that even work?" Howzer grimaced at the thought of something so pure and so dark combining. I shrugged, a little laugh leaving my lips.

"Honestly I'm not sure. It made me feel just as gross as you do right now." Meliodas' eyes hardened as his hands gripped the edge of the bar slightly.

"That's rather narrow minded of you." He commented, trying to remain calm in the situation. Afterall, I was being vague enough that Elizabeth and Howzer wouldn't assume I was speaking of Meliodas, so he couldn't be too outwardly annoyed.

"Werent you the one just saying that I, a demon, wouldn't be with a human like Howzer?" I pointed between myself and Howzer with a raised brow, slightly enjoying how riled up Meliodas was getting.

"Well that's different." His eyes looked between Howzer and I, his nose slightly scrunched.

"How is it?" Howzer leant closer to me instinctively, and although I originally planned on taking a step away from him, an idea lit inside me. I moved onto the stool my side of the bar which was infront of Howzer and leant back onto his hard chest. It was intimate enough without too many implications.

"Well— I—" Meliodas took a deep breath to sort through his thoughts. "Amihan seems to be the type who needs someone who can put her in her place. Someone who can tell her when she's getting too ahead of herself." He put emphasis on his last four words, his eyes narrowing into slits as they looked at me. I huffed, folding my arms back over my chest as I knew what he was saying was right. I'd eat Howzer alive. I needed someone who wasn't afraid to tell me to shut up and listen. Howzer would never do that. The realisation that Meliodas was infact right made me pout slightly. He let a small smile of pride fall onto his face as he once again, put me back in my place.

"Why would anyone want a man that controlling?" Elizabeth quietly asked, the question making both Meliodas and I pause completely. It was completely ironic as Elizabeth was in love with Meliodas even back when he was the leader of the Ten Commandments. When he was controlling and dark. When he got his own way all of the time. She enjoyed his take charge type of personality. So why was she questioning that now?

Meliodas and I cleared our throats at the same time, sparing a look towards each other. The anger we previously had dwindled at the realisation that fell onto us both: maybe the curse changes were beginning to affect Elizabeth too.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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