8 - Having fun Amihan?

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"Amihan! Hurry up, my father doesn't like when we're late." The black haired boy panted as he clasped my hand and dragged me through a dark looking castle. My small feet smacked against the concrete as I tried keeping up with him. After running down one more corridor, we were met with large black double doors. I instinctively brushed myself down and straightened out my knee length dress to seem more professional, the boy did the same thing. Finally, he lightly knocked on the door.

"Come in." A low voice growled. The boy I was running with slowly opened the large doors and we were met with 3 people. On top of two small throne's were two very different boys. One was quite tall with messy white hair, deep black eyes and a broad chest. He had a small smile settled on his thin lips, though it held something rather evil about it. The other had scruffy blonde hair and onyx eyes with glimpses of purple hues. He was a lot shorter but the moment my eyes landed on his evil, sinister smirk, my heart jumped into my throat. I couldn't look away, not even to examine the last man who was extremely tall, like as tall as a mountain. The blonde boy cocked his head to the side, his smirk reaching into a more cheeky smirk then a menacing one.

"Hello father." The black hair boy spoke with enough confidence to seem powerful but his tone indicated he was at his dads mercy.

"Hello Zeldris. I assume this is Amihan who you have told me so much about." My body let out a small curtesy, my eyes not leaving the blonde.

"Nice to meet you, your majesty." My voice showed I must have been young, maybe in my teen years.

"Likewise Amihan. My son is rather smitten with you. And I'm aware you are blossoming into a great-" his words muffled into static like noises, though they chimed back in as the tall one of the two boys spoke.

"I'm Prince Estarossa. Pleasure." He spoke in a rather placid voice. I smiled at him and darted my eyes to the blonde.

"Meliodas. The older of these two." He spoke in a low pitch, his tone just as terrifying as his stare. Though it seemed to set any hair on my body to stand.

"Lovely to meet you." I murmured. My cheeks felt like they were burning, which caused his smirk to stretch across his face.

I woke up in a thick film of sweat, my heart thumping at extortionate speeds. I had to readjust to my surroundings, grounding myself to remember where I was. That dream was so strange. It felt so realistic, like a memory showing itself in a first person film form. And Meliodas was a reoccurring element in these strange dreams.

I needed to calm myself down; it was probably all the damage I had received recently. A tea would definitely do the trick. So I walked down the tavern stairs in a nightgown I had bought in a passing town at some point. It was really cute aswell, red lace with a plunging neckline and an above mid thigh hemline. I hummed to myself as I made the tea, twirling around the the music I was making up and giggling to myself.

"Having fun Amihan?" I spun around to the speaker with flushed cheeks and heavy breathing. He was leant on the bar, a smile on his face and his emerald eyes glinting under the moonlight which illuminated the room.

"You never saw that." I glared at him and finished up my tea, gently placing it on the bar and looking across to Meliodas. He was in just a pair of pants and had bed hair.

"Meliodas?" I quietly murmured, deciding now was a good time to bring up these weird dreams/day dreams to him. After all, it would sound crazy if I declared this all infront of the group.

"Yes Amihan?" He yawned, stretching the sleep out of him body. I looked down at the cup of tea and swirled the spoon a little.

"Have I met you before?" I looked up at him and saw his eyebrows raise, his mouth falling into an 'o' shape.

"Before you ran into the tavern? I don't think so. Why'd you say that?" He leant on the bar and looked up at me, his smile returning. He had one of those smiles you couldn't ignore.

"It's nothing really. I just get random day dreams or just regular dreams and you're in them. Like the reason I'm awake right now is because I had a dream where I was running somewhere with some dude called Zelda or something to meet his father. Then his dad was a king and he had 2 brothers. A tall one called something ending in 'a' and a short blonde with ebony eyes and a sinister smirk. He looked just like you but his whole vibe was just... different?" Meliodas had a blank face, his eyes staring into space for a moment. I sipped on the boiling liquid and ran a hand through my hair.

"I wouldn't worry Ami. They're just dreams. Perhaps everything that has been going on at the minute is stressing you out." He jumped out of his seat and stood infront of me with an extended hand.

"What?" I chuckled with confusion. He smirked at me, though it didn't look anything like the one from my dreams.

"Dance with me." I let out a low cackle so we didn't wake anyone and rolled my eyes.

"Now why would we do that?" I questioned but he didn't let up. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into him with such speed I couldn't object.

"Meliodas! There's no music or anything!" I giggled as he twirled me in a circle.

"Only losers need music." He spoke in a faraway voice, his eyes lighting up a little more then usual. I rolled my eyes but let him swiftly lead me in a sillier version of a formal dance.

"You are a loser." I joked, but let out a little squeal of shock as he dipped me down, our eyes staring straight at each other like we were in a staring match. I noticed the conflicted look on his eyes but I couldn't help but feel drawn to him. He held an air of familiarity to him. I felt nothing but safe when in his arms and in this moment, captivated by his large emerald hues, I would follow him blindly.

"Sir Meliodas? Lady Amihan?" Meliodas jumped at the new person entering our secluded moment. We both straightened up with rosy cheeks as we stared back at Elizabeth.

"Hey Elizabeth! It's late, you should be sleeping." Meliodas grinned, waving a short goodbye to me then skipping up the stairs behind Elizabeth. I didn't want to admit it, but the room felt 10 times colder without his presence. I hated this feeling. Disappointment.

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