7 - This doesn't look good, Jericurl.

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**Third Person POV and small time skip**

Elizabeth sobbed over her sisters injured body, screaming out for Meliodas. The goddess amber began emitting dark purple rays, similar to the ones that appeared whilst Amihan and Meliodas were pulled into it. Both of them appeared, both sporting matching ebony eyes and vacant looks in them. Dark purple markings covered their bodies, leaking all over them like spilled ink. Amihan was different though. She was shorter, only a slight bit shorter then Meliodas now and her hair was split down the middle - half her usual icy white and the other pitch black.

Meliodas stared down the 2 Holy Knights, making their inside feel like they were burning. They complained about the heat rise, leaving Amihan with the opportunity to quickly slice off Guila's hand. She let out a screech of pain whilst Ami's hand retracted back to her arm with ebony tendrils. Meliodas then pointed his broken sword into the air then flourished it to the ground, creating a long wave of power kicking up dust.

Jericho healed Guila in the dust cloud, reattaching her severed hand. A shadow of the Meliodas and Amihan began showing through the dust cloud.

"Wow, this doesn't look good, Jericurl." Ban commented from behind the 2 Holy Knights. Jericho jumped to her feet and brandished her sword towards her target. They bickered for a moment until Meliodas jumped through the dust at them. Ban swerved to protect them both, jumping to stop his Captain.

"Is this really you Captain? What has happened to my sister?" Ban exclaimed with anxiety, though was cut off as Meliodas slashed his sword across his torso and he was chopped in half, no longer healing. Amihan began creating a crater around the princess and Hawk, Meliodas soon joining her until only a pedestal was still standing. He looked to Amihan with his big vacant eyes and nodded at her, which made her raise her arm and create a wing out of the ebony ink that smothered her. She flew into the air as Meliodas smelt Elizabeth, ensuring she was who he believed her to be. He joined Amihan shortly after, and flew high into the air above where King and Helbram were battling. King was in pretty bad shape when they arrived. They crashed into the ground, landing perfectly with no wounds. Amihan charged at Helbram with her blade, attempting to lodge it into his chest. Meliodas jumped above to attack, but both were pushed off. They flipped and once again landed perfectly.

Amihan jumped and collided with Helbram's chest, making him fall onto his back. She flung him through the air, Meliodas following after him and hitting him with a multitude of punches. Helbram managed to hit Meliodas and send him flying back to the ground.

The fight continued for some time, the pair having the upper hand until Helbram borrowed the powers of others to gain more strength. He sent the two of them flying into the cliff surface, knocking them both out for the time being. Their ebony markings began to fade, and groans simultaneously left their lips.

"Who did this to the Captain and Amihan?" Diane muttered with rage, turning her now full sized giant body to Helbram. He tried to reason with her, but she was too rage induced to take any deals. She swung Gideon towards Helbram, grunting as she put all her night into attacking the floating man. He dodged the attacks narrowly.

"Mother Earth Catastrophe!" Diane called, smashing her Gideon into the ground and sending a wave of rocks after Helbram. The ground cracked and broke off into chunks after the direct hit. Sadly, Helbram managed to escape with his life.

"Oh Captain! Amihan!" She whimpered, delicately picking them up and placing them on her palm. She got off of the huge boulder she created and moved around it to find the rest of their group. Meliodas began stirring just as they reached them. Both Meliodas and Amihan looked completely normal again, the only hint of their rampage being the towns destruction and their wounds.

"Diane!" Elizabeth called, rushing over to the giant. She had tears in her eyes as Diane opened her palm to reveal the injured duo. Meliodas gave a short wave to the group whilst Amihan grunted. She sat up and looked around the group.

"What the fuck happened?" She croaked out, spitting blood out as she coughed shortly after. Diane squealed and pushed them both into her cheek before gently placing them both on the ground. Ban ran towards Meliodas and punched him into a rock behind them, making Meliodas cough excessively.

"Consider that repayment from before." Ban huffed out before pulling Amihan in for a tight hug. He rubbed her hair comfortingly and her legs felt like they may give way any minute.

"What happened Ban? Last thing I remember is trying to protect Elizabeth and Meliodas." Her brain felt like it had gone to mush, small fragments of the events since then stuck to her brain but not enough to have any clue what happened.

"In all honesty Ami, I don't know." Ban muttered, pulling away from the hug to inspect his little sister. In actuality, he had a small idea of what occurred but it didn't make sense to him. Those markings. The change in her eye colour. The power emitting from her. These things were textbook to a specific race. But there was no way Amihan could be anything other than an immortal human. He would know. She was his baby sister after all.

The two rejoined the conversation as Griamore walked away holding Princess Veronica's body.

"Hey Captain, where's your sword?" Ban noticed the broken sword was missing from his back, where it usually was. Meliodas shrugged with a nonchalant look.

"I don't know. I must have lost it." His tone was grave though his face didn't show anything. Ami quirked her eyebrow.

"Is that a bad thing? It's just a broken sword." She stated the obvious, confused on his serious tone which was very out of the blue for Meliodas.

"It's a very bad thing. We need to get it back." He started back to the tavern, all of the group hot on his heels.

"Once again, it's just a broken sword Meliodas." Amihan panted as she fell into step with him. He was fast for someone so small.

"It's not just a broken sword. It's a fragment to the Coffin of Eternal Darkness." The term felt familiar. Ami knew she had read about it before but what was it? It was created in the Holy War 3000 years ago. It couldn't be... Surely not.

"Tell me you're not saying that is a key part to the very thing that has kept the Demon race sealed away." She pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. The group gasped in realisation, the severity of the situation settling more now.

"Yep. That's exactly right Amihan." Meliodas chirped in the annoyingly enthusiastic voice he often did. Amihan groaned and slapped the back of his head.

"You're such an idiot."

Ban's Little Sister - Meliodas x OCWhere stories live. Discover now