26 - Power Levels

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It was obvious we all were exhausted from our trials. Both Elizabeth and I were struggling to stay on our feet, Griamore was a inconsolable baby, and Hawk had somehow transformed into half pig-half monster. Meliodas, however, seemed to be more like he went for a relaxing stroll rather then facing his fears and then past comrades. I wasn't the only one who had noticed this.

"Hey Hawk, what's Meliodas' power level?" Gil asked the pig. I, too, was curious as to where it currently was. It couldn't be close to what it was 3000 years ago as he was in his human form. But it still had to be pretty impressive.

"Let's see..." the pig mused, focusing on the blond man. "It's 3,250!" It exclaimed, though my brows furrowed. It was that low? Surely not.

"Wow! Meliodas is so powerful!" Howzer gasped. I can't lie, it made me cringe internally that he believed a measly 3,250 was powerful. It wasn't bad, for a human. But for the eldest demon kings spawn? That was embarrassing.

"You forgot to add a zero." Merlin commented and my confusion melted.

"You're telling me his level is 32,500?!" Hawk burst, pure admiration laced in his words. Now that was more respectable. Not as strong as I knew him to be, but it was more understandable when he's in a human form.

"Not bad." I mused, staring at him. He shrugged, knowing I knew him to be stronger.

"Not bad?! I don't think I've ever met anyone with a higher power level!" Howzer was stunned to say the least. I just snorted at his words, not wanting suspicions on Meliodas to get stronger. Just because I was a known cursed demon doesn't mean he needed to be exposed.

"What's Amihan's level Hawk?" Gilthunder questioned, a little bit condescendingly. I awaited a response, curious myself. Merlin answered before Hawk could.

"She's at 29,750 currently." I knotted my brows together at this though everyone around me seemed exceptionally impressed. All except Meliodas who was also confused.

"Is that it?" He commented, coming to stand next to me. I punched his arm lightly which made him look down at me. Howzer spoke before he could.

"What do you mean 'is that it'?! Amihan, you're ridiculously powerful!" Howzer seemed like his brain wasn't able to quite comprehend how I could be so powerful.

"I'm a 3000 year old demon, of course I'm powerful." I stated the obvious.

"Still not as strong as me." Meliodas sang. I glared at him.

"It's growing slowly." Merlin began, making all eyes snap to me with shock. "She hasn't been in her demon form for centuries. It isn't used to holding such immense power yet. Though with regular training, it'll continue to grow until she reaches the strength she was before." It was understandable as to why I wasn't my full level yet. Would I even be able to handle being that level again?

"See Mel, I'll be past your measly 32,000 soon enough." I shrugged, grinning ear to ear. By statistics, I've never surpassed him. So as long as he didn't go into his demon form, it shouldn't be long until I passed him.

"We'll see about that." He ruffled the top of my head, making me slap at his arms.

"Do you think you could train me sometime Amihan? I want to be levelling up as soon as I can." Howzer asked, though I wasn't given time to respond before I was cut off.

"No can do Howzer." Meliodas inserted himself into our conversation, tucking his hands into his pockets. "We have more pressing matters to attend to then you wanting to play out some teacher student fantasy." My mouth fell agape at his words and Howzer's cheeks went a deep scarlet. He tried pushing out a response but was far too flustered.

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