Chapter 40 - I see crystal clear now

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Hello Lovely Readers,

Just a warning... Are you ready for the WORST decision ever? (and I really mean worst in capital letters!)

Go ahead.

Love always,


Alex's POV

It's been a few days since Bennett's parents announced he's going to Stanford and I couldn't be more pissed.

It's the final couple of weeks of school and although Bennett is not really popular, he definitely is among our teachers, because all I've been hearing all day is about Bennett's remarkable achievement of getting a full scholarship at such a good school as Stanford.

Not that it's that uncommon, but it's usually the athletes that get scholarships in this school, definitely not for science studies, so yeah, Mr. Perkins is ecstatic with Bennett.

I've decided to focus on school instead, because well, I realized that part of why going to Boston was cool was because I always took for granted that Bennett would be there as a friend - now maybe more, I don't know anymore - and that's not happening, so closing this chapter of my life is what I have to do.

It doesn't make sense, I know. There isn't much to do or study as school is coming to an end, that's the only excuse I can think for avoiding the ''Bennett topic'', so I'll take it.

I still haven't heard from Boston University or any other application. Letters should be arriving, so this is making me anxious. It feels that if I continue studying, they will accept me somehow.

Thinking what to do in case I don't get in BU, I make my way to the library and when I have the door in sight, I see Lilly practically running out of it, looking incredibly suspicious.

''I was looking for you!'' She says, looking excited with her cheeks red.

"Lilly, what the hell are you doing?" I ask, the moment she stops in front of me. She's hiding something under her jacket and her face gives away that something is off.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm stealing a book." I widen my eyes.

"Ok, why are you stealing a book?" I look at her like she's crazy or something.

"Alex, we're about to graduate and we still have a bunch of things in the bucket list so we should be focusing on it right now. Stealing a book from the library was in the list, remember? Also, you still need to get into a fight."

"Why me? It's your bucket list, you get into a fight." I cross my arm over my chest.

"Correction, it's our list.'' She hands me the book and I laugh at her choice.

''Advanced Biology? Really?''

''It's not like it will be missed. No one reads that shit. Well, except Bennett. Speaking of which... have you two talked or you're still giving him the cold shoulder after the dinner?"

I pull her arm to the side of the library to get us out of the way.

''I don't want to talk to him right now, I guess. I'm incredibly mad about Stanford, so... I don't know, maybe I should let this go and move on with my life, you know?'' She shakes her head disapprovingly.

''I understand, but you have until school is over or I'll tell him.'' She smiles like she's not threatening her best friend. ''I'll even trade the bungee jumping from the bucket list for this. It's a good trade off.''

''Bungee jumping would never happen anyway, Lil.'' I roll my eyes.

''Of course it would. I would drag you if I had to.'' She knows that's so not true. ''What do you say?''

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