Chapter 28 - Don't avoid me

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"Are you ok?" My mom asks and looks at me, concerned.

"I'm fine." I reply sharply, going around like crazy, cleaning up our already clean living room.

Why does everyone keep asking me if I'm ok? Well, it's probably because I'm obviously not ok!

How could I be? I kissed my boyfriend's brother, I lied to my best friend, I lied to said boyfriend, I'm acting crazy and I'm freaking out right now.

I thought I was going to be able to avoid Bennett until I figure out my feelings, but the universe is not helping me. My mom told me yesterday that instead of having dinner with the Wests this week, like they normally do, they decided that it's a great day to have lunch instead.

All of us.... The cherry on the top is that Lilly is also coming. My mom invited her yesterday when we were getting ready for Dylan's game in my house.

So yeah, we're waiting for them to arrive right now.

How great is that? Me, Dylan, Bennett and Lilly in the same room, after what happened... Fucking awesome, only not really.

Well, let me take a step back and tell what happened yesterday and why I'm so nervous.

Last night was Dylan's first game playing for Rutgers football team. Lilly came to my house so we could get ready for the game and for the party that was planned for after the game to celebrate in case they won or to drink our sorrows away in case they lost.

It wasn't a tough game and they actually won by far. I've seen college kids being extreme at a party I went with Dylan once, but college kids at a party after they won a football match, is another level.

Lilly loved every second of it. I, on the other hand, was tense, really tense the whole time, all because of a text message I received earlier in the day.

Can we talk? - Bennett

I stared at the message, as I sighed heavily because I didn't know what to answer. I didn't even know if I ever wanted to see him again.

I still don't know...

I tried to ignore the fact that Bennett's kiss made me see fireworks and feel butterflies.

I tried to ignore the comparison I did between his kiss and Dylan's.

I tried to ignore how my heart was beating so fast when we both pulled away from the kiss.

I tried, but I couldn't.

I can't ignore.

I kept replaying the kiss in my mind, over and over, trying to understand what the hell happened, but I'm failing miserably.

I can't make sense of how I ended up leaning in and kissing him like that. Maybe I was just too intoxicated from playing piano - is that even a thing? - but deep down I don't think it was that.

To be honest, he's a freaking good kisser. For someone who apparently never dated much, he sure seemed to know what he was doing.

Enough to make my knees completely weak and the butterflies in my stomach make an appearance. Like never before.

I've never ever had such an intense and perfect kiss, but NO.

That shouldn't have happened. It's all I could think when we were watching Dylan's game.

"What's going on with you?" Lilly asked me while I was biting my nails nervously, my eyes on the field where the game was unfolding. "Why are you so nervous?"

"I'm not nervous." I quickly replied, biting my nail again, aggressively.

"Yes, you are. You're practically ripping your finger off with your mouth, you keep bouncing back and forth and looking around like you're lost." Lilly looked at me in a suspicious way and I felt she was studying me.

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