Chapter 23

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Azazel or rather Loremaster stood there and I could feel the fear coming off of her, and it felt so nice, so.... euphoric.

I couldn't help but feel my smile grow as I started to slowly walk toards her. I will admit that I was wrong about one thing.

"You know I came here thinking I'd kill a fallen angel." I said, my voice filled with a twisted glee.

Loremaster:"I am an angel! I haven't even fallen!"

Her voice was filled with desperation, as if she couldn't accept the fact she had fallen in the worst way. Good thing I was already grinning, because I definately wouldn't be able to stop it from showing now.

Seeing that she rose her hand I sent a knife into it earning a pain noise from her.

Walking towards her I grab her left horn and bring her face level with mine.

"Here the thing Loremaster~ you're soul is stained black."


She slapped me though it didn't really do anything. Laughing it off I throw her towards the wall, and as I do I hear a sound with something staying in my hand.


Her horn had broken off and I now held it. From the noises I was hearing from her crumpled form it hurt alot, and I must say it sounded sweet to my ears.


Justice voice cut through everything and I turned to see her approaching me.

"I'm just about done here, how about you help Judgement I broke the machine holding her."

Justice:"Y/n Azazel has had enough."

"What?" I ask not understanding, "Loremaster must die."

Justice:"Y/n she's beat already."

"And she'll be dead just like she killed Frisk."

Justice:"Y/n what would Frisk want?"

"She's not here is she!"

Hearing shuffline from Loremaster I sent a knife piercing her shoulder pinning her to the wall.

"Stay." I order her and hear only a whimper in response.

Thats when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Justice:"Y/n she's learned her lesson, she won't try anything anymore."

Glancing at the pathetic demon pinned to the wall, her soul seemed to be dimmer than everyone elses, a red heart appears blocking my sight.

I stare at it and the only thing to come to mind is Frisk, and I know she's agreeing with Justice. Gritting my teeth a dozen knifes shoot around Azazel but don't hit her and all over the lab.

"You touch Justice, Judgement or my child I will kill you, understand demon?" I ask ripping the knife out of her shoulder and pulling her face level with me by her horn.

Azazel:"I understand."

Staring at her for a moment more I then throw her back down hearing a 'thud' as she hits the floor.

Walking over to Judgement I can tell she's still unconcious, and the ever so slight fear in the others, but that doesn't matter. Picking up Judgement I walk to Justice.

"Let's get out of here."

Justice:"I'd like that."

Justice hooks her arm around mine as I use a knife to slice open a portal back to home.

White Eyed Bond (Judgement x blindmalereader x Justice)Where stories live. Discover now