Chapter 20

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Lucifer POV

It's been six months since Y/n disappeared with Frisk. Judgement and Justice have been riddled with worry the entire time.

For Justice it was bad considering she was pregnant appearently. I wish Y/n would come back. It didn't help in the slightest that Azazel, or Loremaster, had taken Judgement and started to use her as a battery.

I shudder at the thought of what Y/n would do to her once he found out. Helltaker has gone to Heaven for some buisness as Michael said. Though I can assume as to what 'buisness' it is.

Luckily Justice has been spared from Loremaster's expirements and only been made a maid.

Justice:"You doing okay Lucifer?"

Justice's question snaps me from my thoughts and I bring my hand down from rubbing my temples.

"Loremaster is being annoying as ever." I answer, "If it weren't for that damn power sapping gun..."

Justice:"I know what you mean."

Justice puts a peice of pie down on the table infront of me.

Justice:"By the way I think we should have someone check the basement."

"Basement? Theirs no basement in this house." I say confused not knowing what she's talking about.

Justice:"Really? Well theirs a locked door with strange glow coming from it. Kinda blackish."

"Must be magic of some sort if you can see it. I'll get one of the others to do it."

Justice:"I can ask Zdrada she should be free."

I nod, "Ask her then. I'll keep Loremaster distracted if needed while she does incase it's an expirement of hers."


In a blank black space absent of all sound and feelings a lone figure could be seen. He wore a red shirt and black pants. His form seemed to glitch a little as his hand wrapped around a locket.

A distored hum/giggle came from him as his black void like eyes bore through the nothingness surrouneded him. The only light in his eyes were a bit of red in the very center.

"I'll return... and I'll kill her.... exterminate her." A smile forms on his face as he starts to laugh.

The laugh sounds throughout the void as it slowly turns more insane.

The males eyes flicker between a white back to black. The iris seemed to flicker between the two colors, he holds his head his smile becoming twisted as a red heart glows infront of him.

"She deserves it!" He yells his form glitching.

The heart only floats there silently as he stares at it intently.

"Justice... Judgement." The males iris' turn white as his voice turns fond at the sound of the names with a fond smile taking place of the derranged one.

Again he grabs the locket as his fingers trace both sides. His sanity seemed to come back to him.

Zdrada POV

"How the hell do I even get in here?" I mutter looking at the door, it was locked.

Staring at the door for a moment I remember something. Y/n had a lockpicking kit.

Going upstairs to his room, that sadly only Justice has been occupying for the last month and a half.

We seriously needed to drag Y/n back here so he can put 'Loremaster' in her place. At this point I don't care if he kills her, ever since Azazel fell she's been a problem. Only got worse since Helltaker went to heaven on Michaels request.

Rummaging through the drawers I eventually find what I'm looking for and go back downstairs to the locked door.

"Okay let's see if I remember what he said..." I mutter.

After messing with the lock for about 5 minutes I finally get it unlocked hearing a satisfiying click.

"So that's what he meant by you'll hear it when you get it."

Pocketing the lockpick kit I open the door and walk down the stairs into the basement.

Getting down into off the stairs I stop as I stare at what I see. A ritual of some kind... their is also blood on the floor.

"Do I activate it?" I question myself. "No, Justice said she sensed energy coming from down here, so deactivate it."

Running a hand through my hair i let out a 'tch', "Beelzebub should've delt with this."

Walking to the ritual I nudge the circle with my foot. It starts to glow...

"Shit." I get blasted back as I hear a tear.

My vision clears as I blink and look up. A black tear right in the middle of the circle into the void.

My eyes widen as I figure comes through the tear. Though he was different, something was off about him.

"Y/n?" I ask, and he looks at me his smile was happy, but I could see a glint of insanity inside his blind eyes.

His clothes were just as they were when I last saw him. Red button up shirt with black pants, though if I saw right their was a diffent shade of red soaked into the shirt.


His voice was off... distorted. He stepped out of the tear and it closed behind him, a red heart floating beside him over his shoulder.

Y/n:"I can see... I can feel... I can hear things...."

I could tell he was happy about it for some reason. Could he not in the void or something? How did he even end up in the void, and where's Frisk?

"Y/n we were worried about you just up and disappearing." I say getting up.

Y/n:"Where's Azazel?"

He ask and I freeze, his voice was more than distorted. It was mad, insane. I could feel his words drowning in venom.

"Not worried about Justice or Judgement?" I ask and that seemed to work.

Y/n:"Yes they matter first, but that fallen angel dies."

I nod happy I seemed to sway what he wanted to do... atleast for now.  Loremaster is definately dead.

Walking up the stairs with Y/n behind me and the heart still following him. I guess it's lucky that Loremaster has shut herself in her lab for the month. We can figure what happened out.

Glancing behind me once more, I glimpse Y/n and he seemed to glitch for a moment before returning to normal.

'Just what the hell happened to you?'

White Eyed Bond (Judgement x blindmalereader x Justice)Where stories live. Discover now