Azazel Files - Y/n

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Name - Y/n

Title - Chaos Demon, Hate Demon, Blade Demon

Loves - Justice, Judgement

Likes - Knives, Gataki, Chocolate, Helltaker, Malina, Zdrada, Susan, Krampus, sweet tea, dark chocolate, black coffee, Spaghetti, Pancakes.

Dislikes - Threats against his loves, chewing noises.

Hates - Waffles, Beelzebub(When reminded of what she did to Justice).

Ablilities -

Chaos Magic - Primarily used in the forms of balls that have varying effects (reverse aging, portal opening, body manipulation, genderswap, etc)

Gladiokinesis - Knife Control User can create, shape and manipulate knives, shaping and combining them as needed, or moving them with telekinesis.

Rules -

1. Y/n is not allowed to play fetch with Cerberus.

2. Y/n is not allowed to have a bouncy ball.

3[null]. Y/n is not allowed a knife. Due to Gladiokinesis this rule is void.

4. Under no cicumstances is a collar allowed to be put on him, unkown as to why, persumedly due to abuse in his past.

5. Cerberus is not allowed to be his seeing eye dog, that duty falls to Gataki.

6. In event the white eyed trio are found to be having sex anywhere besides their room Lucifer is to be told.

Notes -

1. If possible gain distance form him when he has a knife.

2. If distance cannot be gained, get stabbed not slashed.

3. In the event his eyes are fully black give him chocolate and get Justice and Judgement.

4. He likes when Justice and Judgement leaves marks on his body.

5. It is best not to question how he accomplishes random things (Most likely due to Chaos Magic).

6. He doesn't trust locks on doors.

7. Y/n must have a guardian, to avoid chaos magic doing things, and abandonment issues.

White Eyed Bond (Judgement x blindmalereader x Justice)Where stories live. Discover now