Chapter 21

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Here's a fact about Y/n, he usually has his eyes shut. The only times they are normally open is when he's really mad or about to kill someone or when he's bein a yandere, but even then his eyes only slightly open.

So you could probably understand Zdrada's nervousness when Y/n walked behind her to the kitchen his eyes seemed not be blinking. She'd be lying if she said a part of her wasn't scared, though she'd never admit it.

Getting nearer the kitchen they could both hear the voices of everyone else minus Judgment, Helltaker and Loremaster. Zdrada went into the kitchen and Malina was the first one to greet her.

Malina:"So what was with basement?"

Everyone else turns to the bitch demon who takes a moment to think.

Zdrada:"Ritual of some sorts..."

Lucifer:"What's wrong?"

Zdrada:"That's the question ain't it."

Everyone looks at her confused until they hear more footsteps and Y/n walks through the kitchen doorway.

Everyone stares at Y/n shocked not knowing what to say. Justice takes a moment to recognise him, due to the void having changed his soul.

Zdrada:"Y/n is back..."


Y/n stared at Zdrada, the smile on his face taking a different feeling, his eyes closed slightly.


The two approach each other and Y/n looks down at Justice's stomach with a confused look.

Y/n:"Their's another soul..."

Justice:"I'm pregnant... it's yours."

At that Y/n froze. He could tell Justice was being honest, and normally he would have been happy, unfortunately his mind isn't stable currently.


Justice reaches out and touched his face snapping him from the thoughts raging through his head.

Y/n:"I'm a father that's great."

Justice:"Where were you? Where's Frisk?"

Y/n:"I'm not sure where Azazel sent me... and she..."

That was when everyone truly realized something was wrong with Y/n. The way his voice distored and the way his whole body seemed glitch in the end.

Malina:"He glitched?"

Beelzebub stared at Y/n a look of recognition flashing in her eyes.

Beelzebub:"Y/n what did you sense where you were?"


Beelzebub:"You were in the void weren't you?"

Y/n only nods in response as he remembers someone. The other important person in his life.

Y/n:"Where's Judgement?"

Everyone looked at each other nervously before setting their eyes on Justice.

Justice:"Loremaster is using her as a battery."

Y/n was silent for a moment as his eyes opened more and started flickering to black.




To say the demonesses were suprised by his tone was an understatement. Not only were the words drowning in venom, but they were clearly distored.

Even Justice who was use to and liked his yandere voice was suprised by his tone.

Lucifer:"Her lab in hell, where Loremaster currently is."

Y/n only nods as he turns to leave.

Beelzebub:"Y/n wait a moment, you don't want to do anything you'll regret."

Y/n:"I wont regret killing that fallen angel. She killed Frisk and dares to use my love as an object she'll get e̴̬̤̾̑̽͒̋͒͆͝x̵̛̖͖̪̝̩͉̓͗̇̀͆̄̚t̷̡̛͖͑͊̚͠ḙ̷̢̞̹͍͈͚̒͜ř̵̛̳̪̺̣͑̅͋̄͠m̷̰̺̺͉̻̓́͒̅̌͠ỉ̴̱̭̥͖̒́̽̏̃n̷͇̹̲͇̳͇̾́̀̈́̈́ḁ̸͈̮̳́͒̄̅̆̕͝͠t̵̘̠́̈͛͒̈́͠ḛ̵̩̲͖̫̥̱͊̌̐̃̒d̸̢͙͉͇̼̤͗́͘͠ͅ."

The demonesses nod as Y/n leaves the kitchen.

Justice:"He's different."

Beelzebub:"It's likely due to the void."


Beelzebub:"The void is a place that is... infectious to a degree. It also strips you of all your senses except sight, so for Y/n he was completely blind."

Justice:"Will he be okay?"

Beelzebub:"I don't know... depends how long he was in there and his mental state."

Lucifer:"He was in there for seven months."

Beelzebub:"Not nessacarily."

Pandemonica:"Pretty sure it's been seven months since he disappeared."

Beelzebub:"Out here it's been seven months. The void however is a place where nothing exsist except things that go into it. Time doesn't exsist there."

Zdrada:"What's that mean?"

Beelzebub:"It means, however long he perceives he's been in there is the truth. For his mental state, I persume being betrayed and having your sister killed doesn't do favor for ones mind."

Lucifer:"As much as I don't like Loremaster we should go to make sure he doesn't do anything he regrets."

Justice:"Right, and Judgement."


White Eyed Bond (Judgement x blindmalereader x Justice)Where stories live. Discover now