Chapter 2

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Y/n Pov

Waking up I feel two pairs of soft lumps pressed against me, along with hearing soft breathing from either side of me, and my arms held between the soft lumps.

I try to remember what happened before I fell asleep yesterday.

Y/n:'Thas right, one of the two is probably Judgement, she caught me before I could fall.'

Feeling something soft brush against my nose tickling it I try to raise my hand to move it away but my arm is only held tighter in place.


My voice was soft and quiet, but it was enough to cause her to stir, or felt like it atleast.


I say a little louder and the one on my right lets out a light groan. Coincidentally the one whos hair is tickling my nose.


Y/n:"Can I have my arm back?"

She lets go of it and I use it to move her hair away from my face, but as I do it she scoots closer and lays her head on my chest and my arm now around her. I would say something but I can tell she's already asleep.

Y/n:"This is nice actually."

Justice:"Yes it is."

Justice the one on my left says revealing that she is awake.

Y/n:"Have you been up this whole time?"

Theirs a minute of silence before I hear her chuckle.

Justice:"I nodded my head."

Y/n:"Oh, okay."

Justice lets go of my arm and does the same thing as Judgement.

Justice:"You're really comfy."

Y/n:"Thats nice to know."

We lay in silence enjoying each others presence, though Justice does trace her fingers on my chest which I dont mind.

At some point I accidentally woke Judgement up by accidentally grabbing her butt when I was just trying to mess with her hair.

Judgement:"I didn't think you to be a pervert."

Y/n:"I-I was just trying to mess with your hair, its soft."

Judgement grabs my hand that grabed her butt and put it on the side of her butt.

Judgement:"Your hand stays there or you get punished."

I nod my head as I feel her lay back on my chest.

Justice:"Hey grab my ass, I want to know how it feels."

My face heats up when she says that and Judgement sees it, shes the only one here who could. I trail my hand down Justice's back and slowly reach her butt and grab it, and am slightly suprised at how soft yet firm it is, I grope it a little which earns a few light small moans from her.

I hear Judgement growl and shoves my hands onto her ass. Hesitantly I grope it aswell thinking that was what she wanted and I was right. Judgement seemed to wear some shorts that were really short which let me feel of some skin which was soft.

I stop groping them so I dont get turned on, which was close to happening due to the noises they were making close to my ears.

Someone then opens the door to my room, the voice reveals it to be Pandemonica.

Pandemonica:"Breakfast is ready, get up."

The three of us get up but when I do I feel a hand on my crotch and am suprised, but the hand doesn't retract.

White Eyed Bond (Judgement x blindmalereader x Justice)Where stories live. Discover now