Chapter 9

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I jump and cling to Justice who holds me in her arms. My brother burst into the room.

Helltaker:"What happened?"

Y/n:"Flying bug!"

Judgement:"Is this really a problem? It's just a moth."

Helltaker:"I'll get it."
He says after sighing.

Justice:"So your scared of bugs?"

Y/n:"The ones that fly just shouldn't do it near me!"



Now laying on Judgement as she traces her finger on my horns. I have my face buried in her breast.



Judgement:"Is something wrong?"

She ask worried. I normally just lay my head on her stomach, but now i've layed in on her breast and nuzzled my face between them.

Y/n:"My eyes have been hurting all day. You boobs are soft and comfortable, a nice distraction from the pain."


I feel her hands move through my hair and start to mess with it, she also starts to softly hum.

Judgement:"Take a nap. Maybe they'll be better when you wake up."

I just barely nod as I slowly drift to sleep. Judgement was suprising good at lulling me to sleep.

Judgement POV

Smiling down at a now sleeping Y/n I can't help but be slightly worried.

Judgement:'hope he'll be okay later.'

I slowly twist a loose strand of his half white hair around my finger, as I feel his tail wrap around mine.

Justice:"Is he asleep?"

I hear Justice ask softly as she carries a tray with a pie on it. She sits it on the table and gently lays beside me.

Judgement:"Yeah. He said his eyes were hurting."

Justice:"Maybe Helltaker knows something?"

Judgement:"I dont know."

I say simply as I look down at Y/n. I see Justice arm go across him as she snuggles against me. I manage to turn on my side putting Y/n between the two of us and we give each other a peck on the lips before putting our forheads together and taking a nap with Y/n.




Slowly Y/n starts to wake up and finds himself squished between Justice and Judgement. This had become a normal occurence whenever he took a nap.

Y/n:"Judgement, Justice."

Y/n tries to wake either but is unsuccessful and he hears chuckling.

Zdrada:"Having trouble there?"

Zdrada ask from an armchair revealing herself to be in the room. She was just watching Netflix in there since every else in the house was noisey.


Zadrada chuckles again and gets up and manages to pull Y/n out without waking either prosecutor.

Y/n:"Thanks Zdrada."

White Eyed Bond (Judgement x blindmalereader x Justice)Where stories live. Discover now