Chapter 19

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"Okay so pacifist question." I say and feel Frisk gaze at me along with Zdrada, Malinan and Susan.

Susan:"Go on."

"As long as I don't hurt them im good right?" I ask first.

Frisk:'Yes, violence is a no go.'

I nod at that and assume Frisk signed for the rest.

"So theoratically if someone couldn't starve and I shoved them into a trunk without hurting them and buried them so deep in the woods they would never be found. Would I still be considered a pacifist?"

Zdrada:"Ya didn't them so..."

Susan:"If they are immortal you didn't harm them merely inconvenience them."

Frisk:'I don't think you should do that... It doesn't seem right.'

"Morally maybe not." I say with a shrug, "But if someone pushes you to that point do you really care?"


Susan:"I suppose I wouldn't."

Frisk:'I think it's morally wrong so I wouldn't do it.'

Zdrada:"Ah you're just a goodie two shoes."

Malina:"By the way why are you dressed nice Y/n?"

"Am I? I let Justice and Judgement pick whatever I wore today."

I don't really know if what I was wearing could be considered nice. From what Judgement told me I was wearing a red button up shirt, though I had the top two buttons undone, and a pair of black pants. I also had a tie, that was suppose to be tied but wasn't and just hanging around my shoulders.

From what I know it isn't that different from what everyone else wears aside from the angels.

Zdrada:"I don't think I'd even trust the one who could see to pick my outfit."

Susan:"Well they picked something nice for him to wear it seems. Also you two need to get dressed aswell, the dinner is in two hours."

Malina:"Ah shit..."

"By the way has Azazel seemed weird lately to any of you?"

Malina:"Whaddya mean?"

"I can see her soul or whatever angels have and it's been fading."

Susan:"Could be falling."

Frisk:'An angels grace fades and they turn into a demon when they fall.'

"What about fallen angels?"

Frisk:'Angels who's grace grows dark, but they still have holy intentions.'

Zdrada:"So that's why their wings go black."

"I am familiar with that color. I think."



"So Azazel what did you need my help with?" I ask the angel.

Atleast I think she still was. I could no longer 'see' her halo. Though Frisk was with me and I could 'see' hers.

Azazel:"Yeah... I need you to check something out."

Azazel seemed a bit nervous, but she normally was so I didn't really think much of it. Frisk and I trusted her after all.

Azazel:"It's down in the basement follow me."

"Didn't know we had a basement." I mutter following her down and hear Frisk follow after me.

White Eyed Bond (Judgement x blindmalereader x Justice)Where stories live. Discover now