Chapter 6

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Roseanne was laughing when they reached Jennie's studio. The latter was, as usual, annoyed and grumbling, so the laughter coming out from the blonde's mouth was like a dagger being stabbed repeatedly into her poor ears.

"Come on, I was joking."

"Yeah right." Jennie scoffed, putting away the empty box in her hands.
Roseanne helped her clean up before the tiny girl unexpectedly pinch her on her arm.

"Aw. What was that for?"

"For existing," Jennie told her, ready to step off Roseanne's car when a soft hand stopped her. "What?"

"You forgot something, Jenbear. "

"No, I didn't," she says, looking down to double-check her stuff.
Roseanne ignored that and leaned forward to retrieve something from the backseat.

"Here." she excitedly announced, holding up a bouquet of roses to Jennie's face.

"The hell am I gonna do with this?" the brunette frowned.

Roseanne placed the roses on Jennie's tiny hands and then looked up to smile at her. "Accept it." then she pouted her lips before adding, "Please?"

Jennie rolled her eyes. "Fine. Just to end this conversation."

The blonde's face lit up in joy, mentally doing a celebratory dance and high-fiving herself in her mind. Today's her lucky day, it seems. Jennie's extra nice today. She's accepting flowers voluntarily.

"Thank you, princess," she exclaimed, watching the love of her life walk out of her car. "Have a nice day! And don't forget, I'm coming back to fetch you later for our date."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Jennie says, gently closing the door behind her.

Roseanne rolled the windows down for a quick second to smile at Jennie and wave her goodbye. Jennie glanced back, although she just gave her a teeny tiny smile before turning her back on her and hurriedly entering her studio.

"I have the perfect date plan for today"

Can I ask for a favor

What is it
Make it faster cause I'm in the middle of something

Well, I just want to ask if I can borrow your truck tonight.
Don't worry I won't scratch it, I won't dent it, And I most definitely won't have sex on it


I mean it

Why do you even want to borrow it?
Don't you have your car?

Yeah, but we don't go stargazing with a Benz that's not romantic


I'm planning to take Jennie on a picnic later for our date
Then we'd go stargazing after
And I figured your truck would be a nice touch for it to look more romantic
you know, after I throw some blankets and pillows at the back

Oh, that does sound Romantic
Why didn't I think of doing that to my baby 🤔

You're welcome for the idea
Can I borrow it?

Yeah sure

Thank you, Lisa

Just return it early tomorrow
I have a delivery

Sure thing

Roseanne smiled, thinking about all ways to charm the love of her life, Just thinking about her giving ecstasy but also pain, she decided to shrug off the latter, All she has is to just hope. And let the time speaks.

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