Chapter 3

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"Break time, Nini" Roseanne got in with her usual charming smile. Skipping inside with enthusiasm and a bag of snacks. Usually, the loud voice will get a retort or the click of the tongue as a response, but Roseanne heard none. Jennie's gaze fixed out of the window, her head is low and she didn't look back at Roseanne.

Roseanne being herself places the bag of snacks on the couch before back hugging the brunette, she got alarmed when Jennie let out a sob.

"Hey, what's wrong? baby" Roseanne asked in concern, she knows that something is wrong when Jennie didn't push her away or threw any snarky comments at her. "Do you need help with something?"

"Not from you, I don't" she barked but didn't push her away.

"Is this about your piece, you haven't finished it yet"

"No" she threw her head back on Roseanne's shoulder, sniffing "I don't even have a concept yet that's the thing"

Roseanne hugged her tighter "Well, I'm sure you would think of one eventually, I mean you always do. Remember, the last project you made for Brooklyn Museum, the one with the weird anther and everything?"

"Yeah" she nodded, pouting a little. Roseanne reached and wiped her cheeks, turning her around so Jennie can look at her.

"You said you can't do that too, but it turns out to be your record-breaking project, the one that showcases more of your talent to other art galleries, and you eventually signed the papers for your very own art gallery, the one that leads you to this. This is the opportunity to show your art to the world, so don't lose hope yet, Princess. you are amazing, and gonna do amazing with this project you are working on, just give it time, you have plenty of them, anyways" Roseanne cupped her cheeks, wiping the last tears that fell from the brunette's eyes.

"I hate that you are right," she said, smirking at her, suddenly aware of their distance between them. "Thanks, but I still hate you" she slapped Roseanne's hand from her cheeks, moving to the couch to see what the blonde has brought her this time.

"I know, you said that a million times already"

"Really? Then add this" she started opening the pack of cookies, when she can't, she glared at Roseanne, Roseanne giggled before kneeling in front of her, opening the pack of Oreos for Jennie. "I will continue this madness again. Since your delivery is done here, so you know....?"

Jennie trailed and tilted her head towards the door, gaining a pout from Roseanne "I don't get some of those?"

"No" Jennie moved the packet away from the blonde and wasn't bothered about the puppy eyes and the annoying pout on the latter's face.

"Please?" Roseanne was persistent, and Jennie rolled her eyes before, shoving a piece of cookie in the blonde's mouth.

"Do your magic, Princess. I'm not gonna bother you, I'll just see you later for our date" she hold on to Jennie's knees to push herself up, and placed a kiss on Jennie's cheeks before running away from the brunette.

"Yuck, that's gross" she wiped her left
cheek which is sticky with oreo crumbs from the blonde lips. But Roseanne is already out of sight. Jennie closed the door and finally let out the giddy smile which is bothering her cheeks.

The day had gone by with Jennie not achieving anything but a pile of 'supposed' scraps on every corner of the place. Half of those scraps are actually pretty decent if you would look at it, but Jennie was born a perfectionist, and she knew decent wouldn't take her anywhere near her dreams.

It was quarter to seven when she called it a day and started to clean the tools she used and herself as well. Any minute now Roseanne would come and she didn't wanna look like a mess if she did. Not that she's excited about this or anything, she just hates the idea of making someone wait when she hates the same thing happening to her too.

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