Part 10: Saving Gru Attempt

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Holy crap this book got 2k reads tysm!!! 💛💛 (the song up this chapter was the song on loop while i was making this part!!)


It went to morning. Y/n felt so depressed after all what happened that day's last night. She woke up early in the morning, trying to check if it was all a dream and hoping that Gru was still in bed, but he wasn't; it wasn't a dream, it was real. She had a thought that why and how Gru's mother doesn't have any single idea that her son is missing, she didn't even care to ask y/n where was Gru. Y/n had a sudden burst of tears thinking that what if she will never see Gru again. Y/n shrugged that feelings right after when the sun rays hitted the window and right inside the room. She let out a deep sigh and started the day.. without Gru.



As soon as I ate breakfast with all the minions, I went out to take in fresh air after eduring all that tears from breaking out inside me by seeing Gru's unknown dog specie biting through his slipper, my drawing of me and Gru doing our made up heist, and especially, our fun times. These feelings kept going into me and I tried to shake it off several times, but at some point I just can't; I care too much for him. I bowed down in sadness *cries in tagalog

I heard a sudden ringing of bike far away and someone shouting my name. "Y/N!! Y/N!!!" I turned my head up to see who it was. It was.. Oncie. I turned my head back down a sudden then Oncie reached Gru's house where I was there. "Hi y/n!! How have you be-" Oncie stopped, "Y/n? Is there something wrong?" "I- GRU'S GONE ONCIE, HE IS GONE, SOMEONE KIDNAPPED HIM-" I bursted out crying, leaving Oncie a quite shocked face. "-Oh whAT?! When did this happened??" I then told him while he was rubbing my back because I was stuttering while talking. My throat felt like it was in a knot that I swallowed the cactus needles.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry y/n.. Do you or the minions have any plans what to do in order to find him?" Oncie asked. "No actually, we are all empty-brained." I answered. "Here-" Oncie got something from his bag, "Have an icecream. I know that icecream is your comfort food. The best part is, it's got marshmallows on it!" Oncie said while sprinkling marshmallows on the icecream, sprinkling it too quickly while mumbling 'I swear there was a marshmallow on top I did not just sprinkled it just now-' The mumbling made me giggle a bit, sigh, Oncie being my comfort buddy, just like before *AUTHOR FLASHBACKS TO 2014

I was just enjoying the icecream Oncie gave me while all a sudden, Stuart busted the house door open, shouting my name. "Y/N!" Stuart shouted. I quite understood what he meant even though it was quite gibberish and their language and how he was motioning his words, saying 'Gru is on the phone and Kevin is answering it'. "GRU?!" I shouted. I needed to go inside the house real quick, I didn't want Oncie to just stay out waiting, "Y/n where are we goinG I-" I pulled Oncie's arm towards inside the house.


They finally arrived inside the house "Y/n I-" "Bello!" Oncie got interrupted by Kevin speaking in the telephone. "Who is this?" A muffled voice was heard through the telephone. "Uh, Kevin, Kevin le minion." "Oh so you got henchmen huh?" The voice in the telephone said. "Oh this is the end of it." Gru's voice was heard through the background in the telephone. "Gasp MINI BOSS" "GRU-" Kevin and Y/n both screamed. A quite silence came after that while Kevin was still on the phone. He let out a gasp all a sudden and hanged up the phone.



He started speaking but I did not quite understood what he said. Thankfully, Bob explained it to me through drawing what Kevin said with some words that I do understand. I understood Bob's explanation very well and it stated that the man through the telephone said that we only have two days to go to San Francisco until we will never see mini boss, or Gru again and we must give the zodiac stone.

We went to the lair. "Woah! What is this place?" Oncie said in awe. "This is Gru's secret lair." I said with a sad tune. Oncie noticed my voice and said "Y/n, don't worry, we will find him." All the minions and the both of us circled Otto, Kevin, Stuart and Bob and the two were yelling at Otto to describe this birthday party and what did the boy looked like. Bob was there drawing of the possible look of the boy. When Bob was finished, he showed the drawing to Otto and Otto pointed while saying "Yes this is it! This was the boy!" So we headed out the house and followed Otto to the boy's house.

We walked and we arrived. We went inside the house and I noticed Otto stayed outside, looking at something, but that didn't really went in my mind. "Oh, the stone! I gave it to my uncle, it was more his style." The boy jumping on a bouncy stick thingy said. Kevin kept asking where it was. Yeah I know, it's annoying asking alot about the same thing, but I can feel what Kevin feels, that feeling of your blood boiling inside with a mixed of worry. "GrOanS I told yOU, I DO NOT KNOW WHERE IT WENT YOU STUPID TWINKIES!!" The boy said in annoyance. Something happened. Stuart was in anger (but didn't showed it, he was still in neutral usual face of his) that he kicked the skateboard and the boy slipped through it and the thing that he was bouncing on it slipped, leading him bouncing very high that his hair hitted the ceiling fan and the fan cutted most of his hair, and he fell. We just did a whistle as if it did not happened and rushed out through the door.

We all had a laugh thinking of what just happened then suddenly realized where was Otto gone. We didn't really had that thought in our mind though. We planned of what to do how to save Gru. "Um ok uhm.. I think I must be going." Oncie stated. "Oh come on, really Oncie? After all you've done telling us your amazing plan?!" I said. Oncie thought of it for a while and changed his mind, saying he would join. It was quite exciting, though. On time, a bus stopped just in front of us, we went in, following Oncie's plan.

The bus dropped us at the airport. We were all dressed as if we were going to have a vacation going to San Francisco. We went inside the airport and went to the checking point area where we will get our tickets. The lady asked where we are going and we just let the minions did the talking because they wanted to. After that, the trio came to us with a defeated face stating that they didn't do it because we didn't have money to pay. Oncie was thinking while looking at something. He said something surprising to us and we thinking it might work. We are pretty sure it will work.

Dramatic entrance we went in dressed as a pilot and flight stewardesses, pretending to have a conversation while entering the airport and laughing. I was in a stewardess outfit, Oncie, Kevin, and Stuart in pilots outfit, and Bob also in stewardess, he was a bit funny and cute looking at the same time. As pilots and stewardesses, the people didn't checked us before going inside the plane, we just did (>♡<)


The three disguised pilots went to the main part of the plane which was the area where you will control the plane. Y/n and Bob took control of being stewardesses, serving people some light snacks such as one peanut per person, according to Bob. Stuart started to blabbered out in the mic stating minionese language and we are going to depart now. The plane was acting suspicious, with all the up and down motion, emergency masks went out, and a sudden blast. The plane almost hitted the airport control tower but gladly Kevin pulled the control, having the airplane went straight up and directly on normal fly up the air. Kevin started to feel sleepy so he didn't minded the flight and layed back and slept, literally forgetting that he was on the airplane and HE was driving it. This lead out on airplane in turbulence and it suddenly dropped down. Kevin was awakened and realized the situation. Stuart was in the bathroom. After  he did his business, the gravity suddenly dropped due to the plane doing down so fast. The toilet began sucking him, he screamed while holding onto the tissue roll but failed; the tissue roll got disconnected, leaving his head stuck on the bowl and the bowl sucked his clothes, having his behind seen-

Kevin tried and tried to pull and do everything to land the plane safely, Oncie helped too. They accomplished and shouted in victory. "YEAHHH, HAHA!" Oncie and Kevin did a high-five. "NO! NO HAHA." Stuart opened the door, seen wrapped up in pink tissue paper and water filled up the half inside his goggles. Y/n and Bob went along and cheered.


Thank you for all those who waited patiently! This was quite a long chapter but I hope you all enjoyed!! Part two of this "Saving Gru Attempt" coming up on idk- but stay tuned!
total of 1659 words

Sweet Young Love ~ Young Gru X ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant