Part 5: After School Fun

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▪︎ Y/N POV ▪︎

We went to school the next day. Our classmates were noisy as hell. I was just drawing a person and- *sketches nose* huH, kinda looks like.. Gru-...?? *realizes how the hair was drawn* wait omg it does- "Hi y/n, whatcha drawin-" slams the notebook backwards "OH OMG UHH HAHAHHAHAHA NOTHING I WAS JUST TAKING DOWN UHH NOTES NHHAHAHAHSHSH" "Oh.. okay then. "

The teacher came in the classroom from the comfort room, "Quiet down class. Quiet down class. People. People. Let's talk about career day. What do you want to be when you grow up. (teacher mood do be zombie poopie tbh 😔)" One of our classmates stood up, "I wanna be a doctor!" "Wonderful." "I wanna be a teacher!" "No, you do not." "OOH, OOH, I WANNA BE A POLICE MAN WHO- WHO DRIVES FIRETRUCKS HEHEHEHSHSH." "Exciting. And what about you Gru?" I looked at Gru. Gru was drawing Vicious 6 with him and me. "Gru?" the teacher said.

"Me, i want to be, a super villain~" Gru said with a grin on his face doing a fingerpass with his pencil. The whole class bursted out of laughter. I felt bad for Gru of being laughed at. "Are you okay?" I asked him. "Huh? oh yeah, I'm fine." He left a weak smile. After school we went out and the minions picked us up again. "Are you guys ready for the movie?" Gru asked us and we let out with a "YEAHHHH!!!!"


They went to the cinemas and inside the JAWS cinema room. The minions opened the door. "Y'know, I've always wanted to try this new invention I made." Gru said, showing y/n a glass ball filled with green thingy and it is labeled 'prototype'. He pressed a red button on it and threw it down the aisle of the cinema, having the greatest grin on his face. We stood at the side Gru still having a smug and he adjusted his scarf.

People screaming was heard seconds later and they busted out of the cinema door and a green gas coming out. Gru's grin became wider as he sees people screaming for their dear life. "Gru what-" y/n said Gru looked at her with the grin. "Uh ok, I loved that, so despicable." "Mhm despicable? Sounds like the right name for me. Despicable me." His grin became even more wider and he laughed.

They went inside with a overall head mask and watched the movie, laughing. After that they went to the arcade. "WoAH! I've never been to an arcade before." y/n said. (yeah I've never been in one before :'>) "Heh, looks like this is your lucky day."


▪︎ GRU'S POV ▪︎

We went inside the arcade and played. I feel so despicable at the moment since y/n called me that. So I cheated on some arcade games. Man, ALL arcade games! Y/n was just amused on how I could do all those. I put Stuart inside the claw machine and stuck him onto the claw and inserted a coin. Stuart got alot of teddies and goodies and we all shouted of fun and joy.

Stuart went to y/n and handed her the biggest plush. "y/n, para tu. rawr rawr~" y/n's eyes widened while getting the plushie and Stuart kissed her hands. *y/n literally having a cringe moment* I gave an unexpecting anger face out of me. I don't know why i felt so- so-.. jealous? HUH, JEALOUSY?! NOO :'^


"G-Gru? are you okay? Why are you a little upse- .. mad?" Y/n said with a worried tone. "No, I'm okay. I'm just craving for some dessert at the moment. Why don't we get some icecream?" They all said yes. They went to an icecream shop and Gru was disappointed on how the line of people was so long. He shook his head in disbelief and grabbed a cheese can and sprayed some in his mouth.

One minion, probably Kevin, gave him his empty shooter thingy and Gru filled that up with alot of cheese cans. He shouted "CHEESE RAY" while shooting people with it. "Don't cheese me bro-" The man who sells icecream said holding four icecreams on his hand. Gru cackled and got the icecream and gave it to them.

They went to a small gym after. Gru did a super despicable doing. He showed the people who was riding an exercise bike inside the gym through a glass wall.

"Oh so creamy, so delicious!~" Gru said with a pleasing tone. The people in the gym had their eyes hooked to the icecream and their mouth wide open. The green suit guy literally went full blast paddling LMAO "Worth every calorie~ *mOaNs* (GUYS IM SERIOUS HE LITERALLY MOANED 😟)" Gru continued while getting a finger scoop sized icecream from the icecream cone and licked it.

We went home afterwards, Gru checked the mail. He shouted out of nowhere. "HOLY GUACAMOLE!"


Oop sorry for alot of cliffhangers lmaoooo-
Btw I'm sorry for not updating for some time because school just started I hope yall understand :')
Total of 860 words

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