Chapter 45

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Double update for my bunnies coz I want to make up for the time I kept you waiting ...😊
Go check out the previous chapter if you still didn't ...

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"Jangmi is not my real name ..." She confessed and they all were again shocked but they didn't say anything and just let her continue...

"My real name is Janet Miller and I am a german ...I only had my mom and dad in my family but they died in a car crash when I was just 17 ...I used to work in a cafe and there I met songhyun ...he used to visit the cafe where I worked on a daily basis and kept staring at me first i didn't notice it, but then my colleagues told me about him and next day itself, he called me to his table only to tell me that he loves him ...of course I didn't believe him and told him to leave me alone ...but he didn't listen to me and literally pleaded for one chance and I reluctantly gave it to him first mistake ...he started courting me and eventually I too started liking him ...we got into a relationship and as time passed by, I fell very deeply in love with him second mistake...after almost 1 and a half year of dating he proposed to me. ..he asked me to marry him and I don't know why my instinct, my gut feeling was telling me to not marry him so early but I being a fool in love, didn't give it much thought and agreed which became my biggest mistake...we were all set to get married the next month but one day he suddenly came crying to me and told me that his dad won't let us get married because I am not a Korean ..I asked him to let me meet his dad so that I can convince him but he refused saying his dad wouldn't want to meet me...I didn't know what I should do in that situation...i just knew that I..I didn't want to lose him ...and then he suggested that I should change my citizenship to Korean , that way his dad will allow him to get married with me ...I found it very weird and was very hesitant because that's the last thing that I had of my parents, my family ...but again my feelings for him won over my identity and I agreed with him yet again ..we went to the marriage bureau the next day and got married secretly ...I changed my citizenship and also my name ..all for him ...
He said that now his dad also agreed with the marriage and I was very happy to know that ...but one thing kept bothering me , he never let me meet any of his family members ...not even his dad ..whenever I asked him about it, he would make some excuse ...we arranged our marriage the next month just as we had planned ...and there I saw his brother and sister-in-law for the first time ...but not his dad ...his dad was not there and this time he said that he fell ill and couldn't attend our marriage and that's when I knew that something was definitely wrong ...That day itself, I confronted him about it and that bastard started laughing at me ...
He confessed to me how he was just playing with me ...he told me how his dad was not even alive ...he just wanted me so that he can use me for his own works and needs ...I got to know about his illegal buisnesses like drug import - export, human trafficking and many more ....that day shattered everything I had life got ruined by him ...from then on ,he started beating me...he even tortured me mentally and also sexually...he used to make me work even in his drug business by sending me to his clients, to please them so that they could give him the drugs on lower rates ...and as if it was not enough, I also caught him cheating and that day he told me how even our marriage papers and the priest were fake...that's why no one other than his men and his brother and sister-in-law knows about me coz our marriage was not registered... everything was just a fake setup ...

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