Chapter 15

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Three days have already passed with Jungkook ignoring Taehyung completely... whenever Jungkook saw Taehyung,he would either run away or complain to some teachers and this was pissing Taehyung off ...

But today he was determined that no matter what, he will talk to him and confront him in his own way ...

It was lunch time and most of the people were either in the canteen or in the garden but Taehyung was roaming around the whole uni, looking at every direction to find the bunny boy and finally he spotted the boy near the lockers, busy reading the book in his hand while his locker door was open...he sprinted towards the younger, slammed the door of the locker close and turned the scared and shocked Jungkook towards himself ...
He pinned the terrified male to the locker and pressed his body against his own, hovering over him and said in a low stern voice which made his voice deeper and huskier than it already is ...

"What do you think you are doing ? Huh? Trying to act very smart!!! You think you can ignore me and I will let you? You think you will complain to the teachers and I will stop coming after you ?? Oh baby don't know how wrong you are and what you have got yourself into matter how many times you try to run away from me, I will haunt you down are nothing but a weakling in front of me don't even dare to be over smart ....once I said that you are mine ...that means that you are min..."


Taehyung couldn't complete his sentence when he received a tight slap on his left cheek ...he held his throbbing cheek and looked at the younger in disbelief ...
He was about to say something but the younger suddenly yelled ...

"ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ...I HAVE HAD MORE THAN ENOUGH OF YOUR BULLSHIT ...what did you say ? That I am yours? ..who the hell gave you the right to claim me as yours ?

Yes, you are right I am weak ...but ...I am not a coward like you ....I am not a dumbass like you who can't even protect his own self the fuck do you even have the guts to threaten me when you don't have the guts to even be yourself can you be so shameless are calling me weak but in reality its you who is weak ...weaker than anyone weak and so coward that you change your real personality for others least I am strong enough to stand for myself ..but you? couldn't even do that didn't even try ...and you are calling me weak !! ...

Do your parents know about all your doings? Do they know that their kid is hiding himself to appear as a strong man ? Have you ever thought, how your parents will feel when they get to know about all these??? How will they feel when they know that their child doesn't help others in needs just because of his reputation will they feel when they will know that their child bullies others ?
Tsk...who am I even explaining all these to...and why am I doing it...not like I am someone special to you ...and as you said, I have no rights to tell you all these ...
So, I am sorry that I again tried to convince you ...but from now on , please ...just please stay away from me ...I want to enjoy my uni life without any troubles ...and if you dare to pester me again ..I swear I will not hesitate to slap you again ..." Jungkook said the last part in cold and stern voice and walked off from there leaving a dumbfounded Taehyung who was lost in is thoughts ...

The younger's every word was ringing in his mind and it felt as if something shrap pierced his heart ...
He now started to realise that everything he was doing till now was so damn wrong ...

'how will dad feel if he knows all this...a man who devoted his life for saving innocent people has a son who is a bully !!!who is a coward!!!
Mom will be so disheartened ...and now the one person who was at least trying to help me out from all these rubbish is also upset with me ' these were the thoughts running inside his head ...

"Fuck Taehyung are such an idiot pathetic fucker...what did you do ? " Taehyung cursed himself and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration ...

'you too never tried to show your real side to people because they never let you by telling you that you will become weak's not your fault ...but now you can change that ...try to show yourself to people and they will accept it ...' suddenly these words of Jungkook
came in his mind and took a decision ...

"Yeah right's not too late ..I will not change for others anymore ...maybe it will take time for them to accept me but this time I won't back away ..."Taehyung said determined ...

On the other hand when Jungkook went back to the cafeteria,he was met with a serious looking Jimin and yugyeom...

"What happened? Why are you looking at me like that ? " Jungkook asked as he came towards their table but before he could sit, Jimin grabbed his wrist and stood up ...

"We need to talk " Jimin said and dragged Jungkook towards the rooftop followed by yugyeom ...


Hey my cute little bunnies ❣️
How are you all doing ?

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