Chapter 37

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Yup ..the girl is me ...and I am not even complaining 🤭🤭

Next morning came and everyone was doing their usual work ...Today Taehyung also went to the university that too a little early (around 6:45 a.m.) so that he can keep a track on bogum's movements ...

On the other hand at the same time a boy was sitting on a bench of a park with his head and shoulders ducked down while wearing a black hoodie ...his face was not very visible because of the large hood he put on his head but if anyone looks carefully, they will notice the tears that were rolling down his cheeks and falling on his grey sweatpants, making that area wet ...he was sniffling and hicupping making his shoulder move up and down ...
Suddenly a girl who was jogging in the park with headphones in her ear passed from infront of him first she didn't pay much attention but then she noticed the boy so she stopped jogging ...she turned back and realised that the boy looked like he was crying and no one was even coming to console him so as a good citizen, she approached him ...

"Hey ...are you ..ok?" She asked as she came to the boy and sat down beside him gently but the boy was too much into his world and that her voice made him flinch slightly ...
He looked up slowly with his blue eyes and noticed the girl who was looking at him with concern ...

"Y.yeah ..I am o.ok. ." the boy whispered the last part because he himself knew it was a big lie ...he was anything but ok right now ...

"But you don't look ok to me ...why are you sitting here and crying ?
Did something happen to you ?
You can share your problems with me ...I promise I am not a bad person ...I don't bite too" The girl said the last part a little playfully with a subtle smile wanting to make the air a little thin and it worked when she saw the boy let out a slight chuckle under his breath before sniffling again ...

" If ..if I tell you won't tell anyone else about it right ?
Plz d.on't t.tell anyone a.about me ..." The boy asked while sniffling ...

" No dear ...I won't tell anyone ...and by looking at you, I can say that you are quite younger than me so that makes me your noona ...and now that I consider you as my little brother..I hope you won't mind me calling you my brother? ..." She asked the boy who shook his head as 'no' making her smile at the cute boy ...

"Ok so now that I consider you as my little brother, it's a promise from this noona that she will keep your problem a secret ...
Oh god! how dumb of me ...I didn't even introduce myself ...btw, I am Ellie ..." The girl now known as Ellie introduced her and and placed her hand in front of the boy for a handshake who shook it politely...

" I am park jungseok ..." The boy introduced himself with an adorable smile which made the girl coo at him silently...he was looking so cute with his blue puppy eyes which were still a little glossy from tears and his nose which was looking like a strawberry because of the crying session and not to mention, his soft puffy cheeks ...he was the definition of cuteness ...

"Now will you tell me what made you cry so early in the morning ? Who troubled my brother ?" Ellie asked as gently as possible ...

"Ac.. actually I was looking for a .j.job recently mother is s.sick and I need a huge amount of money for her treatment so I needed a w.well paying j.job urgently....I applied in many places in.including bars and umm ...s.strip club as a bartender or waiter but still didn't get any work...
But the day before yesterday, someone called me and said that t.they can give me a job first I didn't agree because I didn't know who it was but then I realised how desperate I was for a job I agreed ..I didn't even ask what the job was...and that was my biggest m.mistake ..*sniff*

They sent me a location and asked me to c.come there and I went ...when I reached that place, I saw f.five men ...t.they surrounded me and started t.touching me inappropriately ...I couldn't do anything rather than screaming...they all were very tall and buff ...I was scared ...then they s.suddenly s.stopped when another man came...he came closer to me and I s.saw his face ...he ...h.he was the s.son of our p.president ...I domt know his name but I saw his f.face in the t.v once so I r.recognised him ...
He ...h.he r.ripped of shirt and started to su.suck on my neck...I ..f.felt d.disgusted ...i b.begged them to l.leave me b.but they laughed ...
They t.touched my p.private parts and w.were ab.about to s.snatch my dignity w.when that's phone ring and a.after attending the, they l.left me there saying, t.this is not ..o.over yet .." jungseok wailed loudly while telling all this ...he buried his face in his palm and cried his heart out ...the girl was also crying along with him but still she tried to console the poor boy ...

"I f.feel d.disgusted in m.myself noona ... I c.couldn't even something to p.protect my.myself was was like whole body was f.frozen ...I s.still can't get rid of the u.ugly feeling o.of their h.hands on my body ...their l.laugh is st.still echoing in head ...I f.feel a trash that they u.used ...I ...I j.just feel I should e.end everything noona ..." Jungseok cried in Ellie's arms who was trying her best to make the boy stable ...

"Shhh's ok jungseok's ok... everything is gonna be alright ...I am here for you ...
Calm down buddy ..." Ellie said as she wiped jungseok's tears away who was still hiccupping and sobbing silently ...Ellie took a deep breathe and held jungseok's hands in hers and started again ...

" Do you know how brave you are ? I am proud of you ...and trust me when I say that I literally feel your pain... You trusted me enough to tell me your story it's only fair if I tell you my story as well right ?" Ellie said with a sad smile on her lips ...her eyes were filled with pain as she looked into jungseok's glistening ones and the poor boy was just looking at her with his blue blurry eyes while his tears were still rolling down his cheeks ...

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