Chapter 12

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'shit' Taehyung thought to himself and backed up ...

But he didn't notice that a certain someone saw the whole thing ...

Jungkook was also passing by the same corridor where Taehyung and his 'friends' were and he also heard their conversation ..he was not eavesdropping them but they were talking so loudly that their whole conversation can be heard in the whole corridor ...

' how can someone be so disgusting ...' he thought to himself after listening to Baekhyun talking about a naked girl ...

'i can't believe Taehyung is friends with these kind of people ...tch, obviously he is the badboy ...what were you even expecting from him ?
But I didn't see him doing anything wrong with someone ...what if h...' jungkook's thought were cut off when he heard a loud 'HOSEOK HYUNG' ...
He looked up to see Taehyung running towards a boy whom he assumed was Hoseok ...

He saw how Taehyung hugged that Hoseok guy with so much affection .. obviously brotherly affection ...and only one thought came up to his mind ...
' he is the college's cold badboy ?'

He just shook his head and walked forward to go to his class but he heard Hoseok saying ...

"And those to idiots are still bothering you ?" Hoseok asked

"As you know, yes...but I just don't pay much attention to them ..." Taehyung said with a shrug

"Why don't you just tell them that you are not interested in staying with them ...they can't do anything to you, yourself are famous enough one will judge if you expose your badboy facade ..." Hoseok said and sighed and Jungkook now understood that maybe they were talking about Bogum and Baekhyun ...

"No hyung ...I have been called the badboy since the beginning of college and now it can't be changed ..." Taehyung said

"As you wish dear dongsaeng ...just tell me when you need any help ..." Hoseok said Taehyung nodded ..
Suddenly, Jungkook heard a pleading voice coming from the other side of corridor ...and he ran there and as he expected, he saw Taehyung and Hoseok also went to see what happened...

"Pl.please leave me ...w.why are you doing this ...le.leve me .. please .." jungkook saw jisung was being held by his collar by kai , the college bully or so is what he thinks...

"Why pussy ? Scared ? Well you should be scared ...what did I tell you to do ...I told you to do my homework...then why didn't you ?" Kai shouted and punched jisung ...

And he also noticed how Taehyung was about to go and maybe save jisung but then looked at Bogum and Baekhyun who were standing in the corner watching all these and smirking and simply backed up ...

'why the hell didn't he save him ...such a shameless moron...tsk....aish ..why did I too have to be this weak ...I wish I could save him ...' jungkook thought to himself slapped himself mentally...

"I .p.promise I w.will an.anything ..j.just " jisung stuttered and kai left him but not before kicking his knees once ...

"You better do it little nerdy ...or else you know the consequences ..." Kai said and left ...

Jungkook went towards jisung and helped him stand up ...

" Hey ...are you ok?...come , I will take you to the infirmary ..." Jungkook said

"T.thank you..." Jisung said ..

Jungkook glared at Taehyung and went to the infirmary with a limping jisung ...


The classes were finally over and jungkook was packing his stuffs to go home ... everyone already left the classroom, only he was left because he had to talk to the teacher about some upcoming projects ...

Just as he was about to leave, he felt a hot breathe near his neck and he knew very well who it was ...

"Hey babyboy ..." Taehyung said and wrapped his arms around jungkook's waist from back ...but jungkook yanked him away and got out of his hold ...

"Stay away from me ..." Jungkook said and Taehyung was shocked because jungkook has never talked to him with such a harsh tone and it kinda made him upset but his ego was big and he attacked back ...

"Yahh dare you talk to me like that ? Did you forget what I can do to you ? Did you forget who I am ? Did you forget th.."

"What will you do huh? What can you do to me?you are not capable of doing anything for yourself so what can you even do to me ..who do you think you are ..huh... Who are you ?....
Let me tell you who you really are ...
You are Kim Taehyung, the so called playboy of the university who is afraid to loose his are the Kim Taehyung who doesn't like to bully people but still does it because of his friends ...
You are the Kim Taehyung who is never interested in his friend's stupid rants but will never say it because he afraid that he will be left are the Kim Taehyung who wants to save innocent people from being harrassed but doesn't do it because of the fear of being called weak... you are the Kim Taehyung who can never hurt anyone intentionally ...that's who you are but just because of your so called personality of being a badboy, you deny it try to change yourself for others try to follow what other people say try to do things that you are least interested in ..this is the real Kim Taehyung ..." Jungkook said and panted heavily after all the talking ...


Hi doughnuts ❣️
How are you guys doing today?

I know this was a boring chapter but I promise it will get better in the future chapters ...

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