Chapter 32

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👆This is so cute 🥺🥺❤️❤️

Jungkook was feeling overwhelmed with everything he said right now ...he was somehow holding himself from bawling his eyes out's been so long that he had shown his weakness to anyone's been years since he last cried and now it doesn't fit well with him ...
He hates being weak and that's the main reason he stormed out of there towards his room not to show his vulnerability to anyone ...but Taehyung saw his bun's condition very well so he followed him towards his room ...

"This is why ...this is why I was asking you not to speak your bullshit ..but when did you ever listen to me ...I knew that at some point Jungkook would burst out...and the fact is, whatever he said was absolutely true ...we have been dating for 4 years and in the first two years of our relationship, I didn't even know that you had a brother were so oblivious of his existence ...
And today you made it sound like you did such a huge favour to him by taking care of him in one year, when in reality you did nothing for him ...I always wanted to tell you to behave well with your brother but you didn't listen said ' joonie, he is my brother and I know what is good for don't need to concern yourself' ...
I tried to make you understand that just being an elder doesn't give you the right to force your decisions on him always commanded him on how to behave ...what work he should do he should live .. everything always thought yourself to be a superior and I am ashamed of myself that I couldn't stop you ...
But you know what, I am happy ...I am happy that kook was finally able vent out his pent up frustrations ...You will think that I should take your side coz you are my lover but in this case you are wrong .. and for me a wrong person is always wrong whether it is some stranger or my own lover ...and I am not even feeling guilty while saying this ...but you deserved it ..." Namjoon said and walked away from there ...
Jin didn't say anything ..he was crying but no sound was coming out ...just tears falling from his eyes like a waterfall ...he couldn't feel his legs anymore and plopped down on the couch ..cursing himself in different languages can he be so cruel ...his brother suffered so much and the main reason was himself ...

Jungkook's and namjoon's voice was ringing in his head ..

'you always commanded him on how to behave ...what work he should do he should live .. everything ...and I am ashamed of myself that I couldn't stop you ...'

'If I was not on the verge of dying that day, you would still remain that stranger to me till date ...'

'I am not even feeling guilty while saying this ...but you deserved it ...'

'if my parents were really alive today and if they would have been ashamed of someone, then that would have been you ...'

' you are are coward...'

' I will never forgive you ...'

Guilt was eating him up but now he can't even do anything ...he lost his brother just because of his stupidity and stubbornness ...his lover is also mad at him as he should be ..and he didn't know how he will fix everything ...


On the other hand, Jungkook entered his room and went towards the balcony ...he held the railing tightly while taking deep breathes to calm himself down ...
Taehyung also entered the room and moved towards his bun ...he slowly went to the balcony, held Jungkook from his shoulders gently and turned him around ...
Jungkook was startled when someone touched him but he composed himself when he saw it was Taehyung ...

"Wha.." Jungkook was cut off by Taehyung who pulled him in his embrace without saying anything ...
Taehyung placed one of his palms on his head and the other one was wrapped around his shoulder completely covering him in his strong and buff arms ...hiding him from this cruel world ...

"Shhh ok ...I am here bun ...calm down .." Taehyung said in a hushed soothing tone and it was enough for Jungkook to melt in his arms ...
He relaxed his body and hugged Taehyung back, snuggling closer to his chest.. loving the warmth of his body ...

Everything that has happened in his life since the past years was swarming inside his head ..his miseries, his sufferings, his loneliness is after so long that someone held him this close ...someone tried to comfort him ..someone gave him the warmth he craved for ...someone made him feel... safe ...protected ...he didn't even realise when a tear dropped from his eye ...then another ...and another ...

He was letting loose ..he wanted to cry his miseries out but suddenly he realised what he was doing ...he was behaving like a loser ...he was becoming weak ...and he can't become weak until he takes his revenge from Songhyun..until he gives his parents their justice he quickly wiped his tears and pulled away from the hug ...

Taehyung was startled when Jungkook suddenly left his embrace ...he immediately felt cold ...he wanted to say something but Jungkook cut him off ...

" I am ok now ...thank you for comforting me ..." Jungkook said not looking at him ...and though Taehyung wanted to deny and take him in his embrace again, he controlled himself because he knew Jungkook needs sometime to collect himself so he nodded ..
That's when jungkook's phone rang ...
It was Jaesung ...Jungkook picked up the call and put the phone on loudspeaker but what he heard confused him ...

"The president wants to meet you ..." Jaesung said ...

"What ?? The president?
Why ? " Jungkook asked confused ..same goes for Taehyung...

" I don't know ...he didn't tell me ...he just said that he wants to meet the leader of black swans ..." Jaesung said ...
He was also quite tensed ...

"Hmm ..ok fine ..when?" Jungkook asked ...

"Tomorrow morning ...come to my cabin ..he will be here to meet you ..." Jaesung said ...

"I will come ...but you know that I won't show him my face ...nobody other than you and the team members know my face and name and I want to keep it that way only ..." Jungkook said ...

"But what will you tell him ?
You know he will ask you to show your face ..then??" Jaesung asked

" You leave that on me ...I know how to handle such people ...and I already have an idea about what he wants ..." Jungkook said seriously and Taehyung was once again fascinated by his duality ...
Is it the same person who was looking so broken, so vulnerable, so fragile just a few moments ago ...Jungkook never fails to surprise Taehyung in any way ...

"Fine do what you think is right ...see you tomorrow .." Jaesung said and cut the call ...


Hmm ..why do you think the president wants to meet Jungkook?
Any guesses?

Btw are my bunnies enjoying the story ?
I hope you do ...

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Thank you so much for reading 😊❤️


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