Chapter 08

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Shinichi POV :

"shinichi!!! you almost revealed us !" Migi yelled .

"yeah that was close ! I don't know I just I forget that nobody know about parasites , I just remembered that Kyoto city is full of them . " 

" yes according to the crimes there is lot of them there ."

" Migi .... I was thinking could be Nezuko moved in here because of those crimes ? ."

Migi replied :" it's possible , why are you asking ? You seem interested in her ? Since you practice basketball you heart was beating fast, and your body release  adrenaline . Do you like her ?".

"Huh what are you talking about Migi , it's not like that , I barely know her !." 

But she was soo beautiful , that raven long hair it looks soft ! . And her bright purple eyes that I won't be bored looking at , her beautiful and soft features, her small lips, and her voice of course   ! Yet she is strong . Just perfect . I was distracted thinking about her . I wish I can practice with her next time, I just want to spend time with her, I was curious about her, I want to know more.... ,   

"shinichi !" . Migi cut my thinking I look at it and it had a big eye

" huh what ? " .

" What are thinking about ?".

" nothing it doesn't matter you ."

" ok , I was just curious "....

Nezuko POV :

I was sitting by my self thinking . It has been a several days and I couldn't find out who is the parasite among my class ! They seems all normal , they fave feelings ! Then who ? It was like a puzzle ! .

Then Yuuko came to me and sit beside me

" Ohayo Nezuko , how are you doing ?." .

" I am doing good what about you ."

  " I am fine."

I asked her :" Yuuko , why did you want to be my friend ?"

She looked at me :" well first when you came here you seem tensed because you didn't know anyone  , I was just curious about you , but you are nice and kind that's the reason .!!."

I smiled at her :" thank you Yuuko , you are also kind as well. I had no idea that I will have friends here , but here you are ".

She smiled :" you are more talking then before , but it's alright I am here you know , ".

I asked her :" what about Murano and Akiho ?. "

"They are also nice if you just know them better, they are amazing company !!! anyway I have an idea , we can ask each other questions . I will start first , what's your favorite show ?".

" it's *in the darkness * , what about you? ".

" huh that show is so scary I watched it once ! I couldn't go to the bathroom that night !." We laughed...

" not for me , it's so exciting . "

" for me I like shows about Detectives and crimes, you know my brother is Detective too ."

" huh really ? That's amazing.! ".

We keep asking each other and I get to know more about Yuuko , she is really nice . " Nezuko tomorrow is weekend do you want to go around ? We can go to many places . " .

I think for moments , maybe it will be a good idea if I have fome fun, those days I was stressing and thinking so much , I need to fresh up .

" yeah I really want to go which time?"

She smiled and said :" about 9:30 am , we will have fun ! Ok Nezuko I have to go ok , see you tomorrow !." She waved and left .

Durring the lesson I was thinking of a good plan , today Tamiya Ryouko don't work , it will be perfect to discover the parasite , I wast a long time so I should find it soon . And today .

The last lesson ended and every one leave  the classroom ....

Shinichi POV :

I was in the main entrance in front of my locker then

Migi whispered : " shinchi ! One of us is near ! ".

I was shocked " Nani !! Who is it ? And where ?". 

Migi replied :" it's the same one that disappear a days ago , it's about 115 meter on the right , behind the building I geuss .."

I ran towards the location , it is the same parasite ! It appears again ! What does it doing here ? Is he going to eat another human ! No ! I will not let him go !!! ".

" shinichi the parasite is not emitting any threatening signals , it not our enemy ? Are you sure you want to face it ?."

I keep running :" yes I will find it , maybe Tamiya Ryouko send it to us !!"

I kept runnig hopping it will not disappear .

I was now in the area behind the building  it was empty , 

" shinichi it's on the right Side about 10 meter go !" I keep walking fast ...  

" impossible ! The signals disappear ! Shinichi wait !" .

I was shocked :" what do you mean it disappear ! It can be ! It was so near, it's impossible !"

I was now standing in the same location where the parasite was . I was looking for it ! I turn left and right but I didn't see anyone....

This is impossible ! Where did it go ? And why it choose to appear here ?.

"shinichi there in no one here , we must leave !." I stand there for moments to think .

I walked back still surprised , a lot of questions were inside of my head ....

Nezuko POV :


it was Izumi shinichi..... ! Out of all people it was him, the last one that could be .....

a parasite !....

I was shocked by the fact ! He didn't looked like one ! I mean he has emotions and feelings ! He smiled , blushed, worried, he talks like human,  he is also kind ! But how ? How can he has emotions and feelings ? Did he learn to act like us ? Questions was running inside of my head .

" Nezuko we have discovered the parasite ? You were right it was one of your class . What will you do about him? " . Hidari asked.

To be continued .

Hey again thank you for reading !
So what do you think I like to know your opinion ! I hope you like this chapter as well ...

All love to shinichi 😘

See you next chapter .

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