Chapter 13

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Nezuko POV :

It has been several days since I know the truth of Izumi Shinichi , I am so happy that I find someone like me !  We share the same thing after all.

Now things between us was different , we get more closer than before , we were like partners ...

We still live like normal people , but we are always alarmed .

Shinichi had told me that he want to know more about the parasites so he want to join me with my searching , I was so happy to find someone like me I can talk to, we can understand each other more ....

We sometimes go outside together to look for any parasites near us , sometimes he hide while me exposed so I can find the parasites then we can both attacked them.

I was heading to my house walking with shinichi I asked him

" tell me shinichi didn't you tell your parents about your state ?".

"No I didn't , you know we can't tell anyone , those parasites will not let us do it ... plus if I tell them they will freak out .... ".

" for me when Hidari took my hand , I want to help the police , but it totally refused ! I tell my friends about what happened to me but I couldn't show them Hidari , so they took it as a joke . ".

" did hidari threat you too ? ".

" yeah it used to do that alot in the beginning , saying * I only care about my life *. I imitate Hidari ... we both laughed hard ...

" well we arrived , thank you shinichi ."

" you welcome , Ah  Nezuko if you don't mind , can you come with me tomorrow ? We can take a little walk around the city .. ". He scratch the back of his head smiling ... that smile ....

" it will be my pleasure , of course I want too ...  ... ". I smiled  at him

" Oh be ready then at 9:00 am , I will wait you . Goodbye Nezuko see you tomorrow ". I waved at him

I was sitting on my bed until Yuuko texts if I can go with her tomorrow , I apologize saying that I had somethings to do ... I am going with shinichi tomorrow !!! I am so excited !!! I mean I really want to be around him ! I have an amazing feeling , do I like him ! Maybe ! But .... ugh I am not good at this... I never have feelings towards guys ! Should I ask Missa ! No no not yet ....

"Nezuko your heart is beating fast now , not only that , it does that when ever you are with Shinichi and you blush more talking to him ." Said hidari ...

" um no that's not true .".

" I had read about your case in psychology of human , it called love it happens between a boy and a girl so they can..... ".

I cut it off :" Hidari just stop , I am not sure yet , and you better not to say this ever to Shinichi or Migi ! ".

" why not ? It's not going to kill you ."

"Ugh  just don't say ok , you won't understand ".

Next day .....

I woke up at 7:00 am , it's early but I have to get ready ! I take a shower , then I start wearing my clothes  , I choose a bleu baby dress with matching sneacker . I brush my hair and let it loose then I put my favorite butterfly pin hair . I was confused if I should put lipstick , but I ened up putting a rose lipstick ...  I grab my braclet then looked at the mirror one last time then I went to have breakfast  . It was just a toast with some fried eggs .

I heard the doorbell, it's Shinichi, I grabbed my bag and went out.

I see him there he was wearing a blue jean pants , a red jacket  and a white sneacker . Such a handsome...

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