Chapter 12

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Shinichi POV :

I was sitting with Nezuko in stairs , we both were confused and shocked ,we were silent , her head was down not looking at me.

After we both now about each other truth , she stopped attacking me and stand there without doing anything , her left hand was now only a mere parasite like Migi ....

I was also shocked ! Thousands of questions were swimming inside of my head .... there was another one like me !!!!!

" I am really sorry Shinichi ..... I had no idea that you still human and your brain is intact .... I thought that you are like other parasite ! I had no idea that you are at the same case like me !!!". She looked upset ! regretting her actions ...

" I know that you hate me right now , I won't blame you , if only I didn't..... "

I cut her off ." Nezuko's fine , you don't have to apologize ! I mean you didn't know in the first place , I didn't knew either ! You know I don't hate you ..."

Migi  said to her parasite :" So you failed too , you take the left arm instate ! Very Interesting ! "..

Then it replied :" and you took the right arm ! I had no idea that I will find some of our kind who failed eating brain , that's interesting ".

" you don't hate me ? But I tried to kill you and made you scared of me ! You are like me and I missed things". She said almost inaudible.

I said :" yeah I was scared a bit, but hey I am happy that I find someone like me ! Me too thought that i am the only one who survived and having only his arm is effected with a parasite !. But here you are ! I really wonder what happened to you ! Come on don't be sad .!". She raise her head , she was about to cry but she smiled softly ...

"So do you forgive me ?". She said softly .

" of course I forgive you , you didn't do anything , I understand your behavior and maybe If I was in you place I would do the same ...!" I smiled at her . She blushed a bit ...

Then Migi said :" I want to know so bad how did you appear and disappear in a mere of seconds ! How did you do that !".

Nezuko than looked at Migi :" because I want to make up for my mistakes , I will tell you . Me and Hidari don't disappear , I just block the signals that Hidari emit . That's it ."

"That's impossible how !! ". Migi and I was confused !..

" by this " she grab a bracelet from her pocket , it was made of pink stuff , she put it around her left hand then Migi was shocked and said :" I can't sense your signals at all ! Even you are closer to me !!! What's that thing ??"...

I was surprised about it , wow !!! so this is what she was using to appear and disappear !!.

" well this bracelet is made of some special stone , tow years ago I went on a trip to South Africa, there I found some tribes extracting this pink stone, they thought that this stone was sacred! It protects from evil spirits and sends positive energy.. Then I got it as a souvenir . I used to wear it as an accessory and then discovered that this stone acts as a barrier to parasites' signals. In other words, parasites cannot find me. On the other hand, Hidari also cannot sense parasites , so I used it to hide my self ... ".

" wow that's amazing ! I hade no idea that you can hide their signals using such a stuff !"

" mee too , that thing really helped you fighting the parasites I guess , you almost killed us !" Migi said .

" yeah it did a lot, but tell me Shinichi what happened to you and your right arm ! I really want to know your story !". She said excited .

I scratch my head then I told her about my story and how did Migi take my right arm . She was surprised . Then she told me about her story and how the parasite take her arm in the forest , we had a similar problem with those tow parasites.

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