Chapter 15

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Nezuko POV :

I went to the bed and remembered Shinichi . ....He is an amazing guy , yet caring alot , so kind . I really like to be around him .... I don't know why but when I be around him I forget about my self , I just feel comfortable when I am with him is it because that we in the same state ? Or I like him ?...

I can't !that Murano likes him , I felt jealous when I see her with him . He was her crush , I don't know if he feels the same about me ! should I like him or no ? ... I don't want to be be hurt ! .... but I care about him so much ...

Next day :

I was in classroom , today Shinichi didn't came to school ! Strange .. is he alright ? He wasn't that bad yesterday ... I wonder why ?.

I tried to call him but his phone only ring and no one responded .. I try in his house number still nothing ... . I started worrying about him , I hope he is fine .

After school I went home , he still not responding .so I decided to visit him , I knocked on the door several times but no one responded .

I tried calling him :" shinichi ! Are you here ?". Still nothing .

Then I removed my bracelet :" hidari can you sense Shinichi and Migi ?".

" yes they are inside , but the signals are weak !so weak ". Said hidari .

" Oh no I hope nothing bad happened !!!".

Then I entered from the window ! I was looking for him and then I see a terrible sight ! My eyes got wide and I put my hands over my mouth ! I was shocked !!!!!....

Shinichi was lying on the ground drenched in his blood! There was a deep and large wound in the middle of his chest !! Oh my God !!!! ,

I hurried to him; " SHINICHI ! SHINICHI !!! SHINICHI , CAN YOU HEAR ME !!!!!? ? SHINICHI NOOO!!!! OMG WHAT HAPPENED !!!! !! " tears were falling down looking at him in this state, I don't know what to do !!! ! Is he dead !!! NO NO NO IT CAN'T BE !!!

Then Migi came to us :" Migi WHAT HAPPENED !! IS SHINICHI IS GOING TO DIE OH NO!!! .... ". I cried more ... I was trembling with fear..... !!!!!!

" No he is not dead yet , I am trying to fix his wound , it's a deep one , it take me all the day to that , I still need time and energy to to fix it all!"..

I calmed a bit after hearing that he is alive but he needs help !!! :" Migi we can't leave him here I will take him to his room , Hidari help me please .!".

I took shinichi to his room and I put him on the bed. Then immediately I started looking for a first aid kit in the hope that I might find something in it that would help Migi. And I brought some water. I removed his shirt to find that big wound! Oh my God, who caused this to him? Did a parasite attack them? I was so worried about his state

" Migi, I will inject this nourishing serum. It will give his body some energy. Then you can finish treating the wound. I will try also to clean the wound so that it does not get infected or rot, so come on quickly... ".

I inject the serum and start cleaning the wound , I was still crying and praying Please Shinichi don't die.

I was sitting beside him while Migi is treating him , Migi asked me to bring water and some sugar so he can get energy ..

I looked at him ! He was really terrible ! Poor shinichi ! . I wish he will be alright ! .

Migi then finished closing the wound , after that I cleaned the wound again .. hoping shinichi will woke up soon !

Now it's night. I made Hidari exposed so that we could guard the house from any parasite trying to attack...

" Migi let shinichi drink the water ! He lost a lot of blood and he's almost dry. Then I will inject another serum .. tell me is he fine ??? When will he be awake ?? .

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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