Chapter 14

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Nezuko POV :

I was heading towards school until I meet  shinichi .

" Ohayo Nezuko ! Great to see you , how are you doing ? "..

" hey Shinichi Ohayo ! I am fine thank you ! what about you ? you look like you were running ".

" yeah I woke up late today , Migi didn't want to wake me up saying that I need rest , So I ended up running all the way  without having breakfast ..." .

I smiled at him :" yeah our parasites  care so much about our bodies , not like us ! ... here have some chocolate , ! .

" ah thank you so much , you know when I eat something unhealthy Migi always complaining about that will hurt my body ! Did Hidari do the same for you ?".

" yeah , it didn't like when I eat a lot of sweets, but I can't   , but you know since it become part of me , if you asked me what's the bright side of having a parasite living on you  I will say that I can eat sweets without fearing of gaining weight .!" I giggle while shinichi laughed ...

" hhhhh yeah that's something good for you. Then .... ".

We entered the classroom and everyone was looking at us ! I tensed a bit and blushed , while shinichi acts
like it's nothing .

I see Yuuko and Murano with each other , then Yuuko came to me and Murano go to shinichi .

" Ohayo Yuuko , how are you doing ?".

" Ohayo Nezuko , umm I see you come with Shinichi this time ? What's happening ? ."

" I just meet him in my way here so we walked together , why are you asking .?".

" nothing , nothing at all , but you know Shinichi is handsome and I know many girls had fallen for him . Like Murano there , did you like him ?".

I looked at her blushing :" Yuuko , like I told you I am not interested . ".

Then the teacher came and the lesson start .

Time skip

We finished school then I went outside  I start walking to my home  , then I heard some female screaming .....

No one POV :

Murano asked shinichi if he could walk with her after school . While they were walking some random guy take Murano and beat shinichi so bad then shinichi go after him ...

It was mitsuo gang , they bullied Nagai and shinichi defend him , so they are taking their revenge .

Shinichi POV :

Migi was about to kill them , because they are hurting my  body , which mean hurting him , but I  try my best to not let it do anything ... they were beating me so much and Migi was about to kill them , I need to control my right hand .

Suddenly,  Mitsuo stoped beating me , I looked  over him and  I saw a Nezuko  holding his arm tightly.  Then she said: " Mitsuo? Is that you ?" Have you lost your house again, my dear?  oh my god is this bad !".

Then with her leg she beat him right in the stomach...

then he scremed :" you scum!!! Guys it's her ! She is the one who humiliated me ! You will pay for this !!!".

" Oi you there little bitch ! What do you think you are doing ? ".

One of them attacked her , she swiftly   avoided him .  She  punched him in the face so hard that he fell to the ground in pain.

"Ah Mitsuo, are these your friends ? Are they also lost from  the trash? Oh, that's really bad! But don't worry I'll send you all back to your place of origin, you know it's bad to take the trash out!"

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