When The Cat's Away

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Anniversary chapter! 

..I honestly have no excuse for finishing this so late. I just want to apologise.

I hope I did your idea justice, Ellmra_Sogota

This chapter is not canon with the rest of the chapters.

All of the cats mentioned here are ones I own, or have owned. 

Mistofeles is my current cat.


Pluto was bored. 

A bone lay in one corner of the room, covered in slobber from him chewing on it. He had made progress, chipping off a piece of the bone. Which he had spit out. Didn't know where it was. 

A dog toy lay on his bed, surrounded by it's own stuffing, coming from a hole he had ripped in the toy's stomach. Pluto put the squeaker in his mouth, hearing the noise as he bit down. 

Once more. Twice. Again.

Pluto shook his head, his ears flapping with the motion. "Rrrr..."

He bit down harder, the squeaker protesting. Which only fueled him, shaking his head more. His ears kept flapping, as he acted like the Hellhound he was. He shook his head more vigorously, until-


The squeaker flew out of his mouth, and hit the wall opposite Pluto. Streams of saliva tailed the squeaker, the canine equivalent of a meteor. Pluto watched it fly. The squeaker hit the wall and bounced off, uttering one last noise.

Pluto let out a whimper, and jumped off the bed. He crawled over to the squeaker. Rolling it over revealed a similar gash to the stuffed animal. No way was it squeaking again. 

Pluto sank on the floor, and picked up the squeaker. He put it in his mouth and gave an experimental shake. No noise. The squeaker hung from his mouth. He let it drop. 

Now what to do? Everyone is out..

Pluto remained a lump on the floor, until he remembered other animals in the manor.

Soft, fluffy, vocal creatures. With claws and teeth made for tearing their fishy meals apart. Sebastian always snuck them food and treats, when his Master looked the other way. The only difference being, these animals were of Earth. 

If they keep him that entertained, they'll entertain me.

Pluto crawled out of the room, heading to Sebastian's room.


Meanwhile, the cats were having a blast. One cat was rolling around on Sebastian's shirt, covering the once white fabric in a layer of black fur. The creamy white fur of his belly showed at times, unfortunately not being pet. 

A fat grey cat sat on the floor, licking his own leg. 

One cat took it upon herself to paw every cat who walked by.

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