19》To Be Saved

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"Fallon, Fallon, are you okay?" Minho levels himself to my eye height.

The girl turns her head and looks at me, I can see the fire light reflecting off her piercing green eyes. Her mouth folds into a smirk, and she gives me a small wave of false friendship, her ash blonde hair feathered out in the breeze.

Suddenly I snap out of it- I don't want to Minho to see her.
"Yeah, sorry." I mimic rubbing my forehead, taking Minho's hand as he pulls me to my feet.

The crowd melts away, and everyone goes back to what they were doing before. Everyone seemed a little distant with me, confused why I was almost in a trance-like state for a moment.
Yet I'm just as confused.

Why is she here?

She's a voice. Not a person.

"I think it's time for goodnight everyone," Alby calls out, causing everyone to start heading back to their beds.

"You sure you're okay? You look pretty shaken." Minho asked, seeming concerned, taking my hand in his.

"Honestly, I'm okay. I just need a bit of time." I smile weakly.
Minho quickly pressed his lips to mine, "Okay, I'll go back. Don't be too long, spark." He said calmly, before walking back to our room.

Few minutes later, everyone's gone.

I choke down the ever-growing nerves in my throat, and begin to walk to the large tree- where the girl is.

Shivering, as I find myself not taking my eyes off her.
She hasn't spoken, in my head.
But I know it's her.
It has to be.

Thankfully, she hasn't seen me yet, she's facing away from me, but I still keep treading silently closer.

Suddenly I feel a hand grip my shoulder, spinning on my heels cautiously, I see it's just Newt.

"Whoa. It's me," Newt frowned at my surprised reaction.
"Sorry, I'm just-" I mumble, not finishing my sentence, tucking a fallen strand of hair behind my ear.

"It's okay," Newt said understandingly "But what are you doing? Still up?".
"Oh." I pause, anxiously glancing back at the girl behind me.

Should I tell him?

"I can't sleep, that's it." I shrug, lying to my brother.
"What about you?" I raise an eyebrow, smartly changing the subject.

Newt rolls his eyes and sighs, "Let's go get something from the kitchen." He said, walking away.

Later, I'm sat outside, in the eerie darkness, with Newt.
And the girl is nowhere to be seen.

"Credit to you, though. Not many people can give Minho a run for his money." Newt chuckled, breaking the silence, biting into an apple.

"Eh. He's not that tough." I shrug, smiling as I tuck my knees into my chest.
"That's because you're his bloody girlfriend. He's not going to be an over-confident, annoying slinthead around you is he?" Newt replied, sharply, as I pointed out the obvious.

"He's not like that." I mutter, then take a deep sigh "Maybe." I laugh, changing the mood.

"The good thing is that he won't let anyone even get close to you. So I don't have to worry about you being bombarded by the other boys. Also, it seems like your the only one he actually listens to." Newt smiled weakly, glancing at me, then back at the floor.

"I can look after myself, you know." I sigh, taking a sip of water.
"I know that. But it's doesn't mean I'm not going to try and look after you!" Newt laughed.

It's hard to tell how Newt's feeling.
His mouth can say one thing- but his eyes say another.
I'm just glad he seems happy, right now.

"You remember anything before this, Fallon?" Newt paused, tilting his head.
"Nope," I state, not mentioning the woman, or my mission "Would you want to?".

Newt shrugged "I don't know. All I can remember is being in a garden, sun shining, and playing catch. With you." He paused "And another boy, but I can't picture his face. He seemed like me though. Maybe he was our brother? My twin?" Newt rubbed his forehead.

"Then why isn't he here?" I frown, yet I'm sure if I'd want two older brothers here. Twice the over-protection. Twice the annoying bickering.

"Well you could ask the bloody bastards if you ever get to meet them!" Newt smiled sadly, his eyes turned darker. Like he was lost inside.
"At least we have each other." Newt mumbles, so quietly that he probably didn't realise I heard him.

"Anyway, you need to get to sleep!" Newt forced on a smile, getting up to his feet.

"I'm going!" I laugh, heaving myself up, walking back to my room "Goodnight, Newt." I say, giving him a brief hug.

Just as I reach the door, I turn back, looking out at the glade.
My heart pangs when I see Newt.
He's still sat there, staring at the dark sky. I can see his tear stains glisten in the moonlight, as he runs his hand through his hair.
He thinks nobody can tell.
That nobody can tell how breakable he really is.

I can't save him, if he doesn't want to be saved.

Deciding to leave him alone, I open the door with a creak.

Minho seems to be asleep, faced away from me when I climb into bed.
As I settle down, he sleepily wraps an arm around me, like he knew I was feeling down.

I shut my eyes, resting my head on Minho's shoulder, but I can see is her face in the black canvas of my mind.

It's only then till I see her full facial features, in detail.

And she looks just like me...

so I like this chapter. btw newt and Fallon had a brother who died of the flare.
And this is chapter is basically about newt bc he's cute.

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