Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen: Better Than Revenge

The kids watched from their spot as Steve confronted Billy outside. Neither party was happy, but Annie was so much more worried about Billy's unhappiness. Annie went stiff as they got closer together, Steve moving from the safety of the porch.

"Billy wouldn't actually kill someone, would he?" Lucas asked, causing Annie to look at Max for her response. She only gave Lucas a worried look, and that was enough of an answer for Annie.

She quickly turned back to look at her brother. However, Billy caught her attention. They made eye contact. "Shit, guys..." Annie whispered, not wanting to alarm them if she made it up.

"What?" Mike asked from behind her.

Annie watched for a second longer, and her blood went cold when Billy pointed at them. "Shit." Steve turned to look as well, and that's when the kids knew they were fucked.

They all ducked down and hid under the window sill. "Shit, did he see us?" Dustin asked. Annie knew the answer to that, and just gave Dustin a worried look. Now she was worried for her brother's safety.

He moved back up to see Billy had pushed Steve onto the ground and was making his way into the house. "Shit! He's coming!" she yelled and they all moved from the living room and were going to hide further in the house when Billy slammed the door open.

They moved back in little steps as he came closer, Annie putting herself more in front of Max the closer he got. "Well, well, well," he said, then slammed the door shut. "Lucas Sinclair, what a surprise."

He looked at Annie, and the intensity behind his stare made her want to shrink back into a wall, hopefully even melt into it. "And you, that girl." He never elaborated.

"I thought I told you stay away from them, Max," he said, glancing quickly at everyone standing there. As he got closer to her, Annie made sure to put herself in between them even more.

"Billy, go away," she said just above a whisper.

"You disobeyed me." His voice was low, but steady. Annie was deathly afraid of this- of him. "And you know what happens when you disobey me."

Max shook slightly from behind Annie. "Billy..." she tried.

"I break things."

In a flash he grabbed Lucas and hauled him into the air. Annie let out a scream while the others let out yells. Lucas was shoved against a cabinet in the Byers' kitchen. "Lucas!" Annie screamed, her hands moving to cover her mouth.

The others yelled similar things, telling him to stop and put him down. Annie didn't know what to do, because there was no way a single one of them could go head-to-head with Billy. Hell, she was worried Steve wouldn't be able to. Billy was huge and looked extremely pissed off. She'd never even seen her dad this angry, or anyone for that matter.

"Since Maxine won't listen to me, maybe you will," Billy said, just loud enough for them to hear. "You stay away from her. Stay away from her! You hear me?"

"Leave him alone!" Annie yelled in the silence.

Billy turned around briefly. "Don't worry, you're next." Those words made her go pale and she stumbled back as he turned back to threaten Lucas. Max grabbed her arm so she wouldn't fall back.

"I said let me go!" Lucas yelled, and then kneed Billy in the groin, causing him to drop Lucas and stumble back a step. Annie gasped and let her jaw drop open. She was so focused on the scene in front of her, the edges of her vision almost went dark.

"So dead Sinclair! You're dead," Billy threatened, seconds after, barely even needing to recover.

Then, a new figured entered the picture. "No, you are." Steve threw a punch right across Billy's face, the other letting out a grunt as he went back. Dustin smiled and even cheered some. Annie couldn't feel her arms. Or legs. Her whole body felt strangely foreign.

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