Chapter Seventy-Five

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Chapter Seventy-Five: The 1

Carefully and quietly, the group followed right behind Eddie. He was leading them to their transport, since the bikes would take way too long to get to the 'War Zone' and back. Time wasn't on their side, so a faster transport was needed.

That is where Eddie and his creepy Mike Myers mask came in. No one could see his face, cause then the police would be on their asses. They would be anyway after this.

Eddie led them to the backside of someone's RV. They were seated in front of it, something Eddie counted on, listening to the radio. Some news broadcast.

They ran along side the RV, Eddie trying to find anything that was open. To his luck, it was a window. Steve wordlessly helped him through the window. He immediately followed and urged the others to hurry.

"We're trying!" Annie hissed through clenched teeth. "Some of us are short and weak."

Steve just rolled his eyes and got out of the way for Nancy to get inside. The rest quickly followed. Annie looked and watched Robin run up to the front where Eddie was hot-wiring and Steve was observing.

Annie watched them, puzzled about what was going on, until the RV suddenly came to life. Music blasted throughout the room on wheels, so loud that Annie could barely hear her own song over it. The clashing sounds were not fun.

The couple who were being robbed started banging on the side of the RV, and the teens up front did a quick switch-a-roo that landed Steve in the driver's seat.

"Everybody hang on to something!" Steve yelled, and that was enough to kill Annie's amused spirit. She and Max, still on the back couch, gripped onto it and silently prayed.

"Drive, Steve, DRIIIIIIIIIVE," Dustin screamed back.

"Go, go, go, go!" Robin yelled, and not even a second later they were in motion, speeding away from the poor couple.

Annie watched them through the back window as the man got up and tried to keep running with the woman (his wife perhaps?).

"Shit, they look pissed," Dustin commented.

It took everything for Annie not to make a snarky reply back. Robin had her covered, anyway. "Well, it's not every day you lose your house and car in one fell swoop."

They kept going, Annie holding on for dear life as they went over some bumps, and then even harder when Steve yelled for them too. She heard something smack against the front and was very relieved to see discarded trashcans behind them.

That's about where the couple stopped chasing them. One more very hard left was made, and they were on clear roads. Roads where Steve could calm down a bit and the kids could relax.

Annie's fingers were cramping from how hard she had been gripping on to the back of the couch. She really hoped the couple would understand their need for taking the RV, though she figured they'd never learn the real reason.

Just another crime to add to the list. Annie almost wanted to write down every illegal activity she had partaken in in the last two years. She'd have a decent list.

Now, it was just the awkward drive to the War Zone. Annie decided to settle in. She scooted closer to Max and nestled into her side. The redhead was very willing to let her, and wrapped her closer arm around the brunette's shoulder.

Annie looked over at Dustin and saw the look on his face. "What's that for?" she asked, not needing to specify.

He shrugged. "You guys are just so clingy. It's weird."

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