Chapter Seventy-One

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Chapter Seventy-One: Hoax

It. Was. Chaos.

At first, no one could move. The air had seemingly been sucked right out of the room as the horror came upon them all. Nancy had been Vecna's next target.

They basically put her in the monster's lair. How could she not end up in his clutches?

Steve looked up at them and shouted, "Someone, find something!"

And then, everything was happening all at once, people were yelling across the trailer, digging through every single drawer they could open up.

They were in Eddie's room, going through it all. Erica ran into the room, taking Annie's attention. "Steve says hurry!"

"Yeah, no shit!" Dustin yelled back.

"We're trying, we can't find anything!" Max yelled back.

They were trying to find any music Nancy might like. The one thing they knew worked against Vecna. It was all they had, and it was the only thing they were missing. The blood rushing in Annie's ears nearly drowned out her own shield.

"Seriously, what is all this shit?" Robin asked, yelling at Eddie, who's room they were ransacking. He didn't mind at the moment, but maybe after.

If the after wasn't another dead body.

"What are you even looking for?" Eddie asked, a stack of cassettes in his cradled arms.

Robin shook her head as she sorted and threw the cassettes in her own hands. "Madonna, Blondie, Bowie- music! We need music!"

Eddie picked up a discarded tape and help it up. "This is music!" he practically screamed back at her.

But the names made Annie perk up. "Holy shit. Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!" she yelled, getting the room's attention. She turned to Max first. "Did you see where I dumped my backpack? I swear to god I brought it with me."

"Yeah, out in the living room, by the gate."

Annie turned and immediately ran out of the room, Erica jumping out of her way at the last second.

She heard footsteps following behind her, but Annie had no care for them. All she wanted was her backpack.

Her backpack full of different cassettes.

She zeroed in on the bag and practically fell to her knees in front of it. She unzipped it and dumped the entirety of it's contents out on the floor. "Find something, anything!" Annie yelled.

Two more people fell to their knees beside her- Max and Robin- and they all searched through the pile. When Robin had listed off those singers, Annie knew she might have something that would work for Nancy.

At least, she hoped and begged she did.

They found the Madonna tape Max had given her just a few months ago. "Here! Here!" Robin shouted.

Annie snatched it from her hands and stood up. She ran over to be right under the gate and looked up at Steve. He was still there, shaking Nancy's shoulder and shouting at her to wake up. To stay with him.

"Steve!" He looked away for the first time in a bit. "I got something that might work!"

"Great! Play it on something!" he shouted back, then went back to what he had been doing.

Annie looked around the room, trying to find a speaker or anything. Even some random boombox would do.

But there was nothing in the trailer that would work. At least, she didn't think there was.

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