Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Chapter Fifty-Eight: Don't Blame Me

Steve pulled up outside the Harrington home. When he parked, Annie let go of Max's hand and unbuckled. The others started to move as well, but Annie stopped them.

"I need to go in alone, okay? I promise I'll be fine," she added on quickly when she saw Max and Steve open their mouths to protest. "This is just... personal and stuff, okay? Give me just a moment."

Annie stepped out of the car and hurried to the front door. She pulled out her key and unlocked it, before shutting it behind her. With a couple glances into the kitchen and living room, both coming up with no one, Annie hurried upstairs.

In her room, Annie felt somewhat calm for the first time since Max first told her about everything, and that's exactly what she wanted. There wasn't anything in particular she needed, maybe to grab a change of clothes and shove them into her backpack. Just in case it works.

But really, it was about having a moment to breathe. To be in her own space for possibly the last time. All she wanted to do was get the others in here and have them all hang out in here, in a place where she'd be comfortable.

This wasn't the only stop she needed to make, though.

Annie set her bag on the ground by the door and walked over to her closet. There, she started rifling through for some different clothes. She ended up pulling out a purple sweater and some dark blue denim pants to go with them.

She folded the outfit up carefully, sticking a fresh pair of socks in the pants pocket, and then placed it at the bottom of her backpack.

Once that was done, she stood. She slowly spun around her room, taking all the details in. Before, she didn't want to, hoping to avoid Chrissy's presence and not think about her death.

Now, however, she just wanted to remember everything. All the posters, and the polaroids, and the drawings Max taped up that she liked. Annie wanted it all ingrained in her memory.

"Annie?" She spun to face the door and sighed when she saw Steve.

"I told you I needed a moment, go back out to the car and wait, please," she said, upset but not trying to take it out on him. He was just worried.

He sighed and looked at the ground. "I know, and I'm sorry, I just..." He cleared his throat and looked back up at her. "What'd you need from here anyways?"

Annie shrugged. "Some clothes, maybe, but... mainly to look around. To be in my own space for a second and not have to worry."

"Everything's going to be fine, Annie," Steve said, taking a couple more steps into her room. "You'll be fine."

"I know," she said, shaking her head fiddling with her hands. "I just worry that if it's not fine, then I'll regret things. I'll regret not seeing my room again as stupid as it sounds."

He came a few more steps closer and opened his arms, Annie almost instantly falling into them. "It's gonna be okay, Annie."

She nodded into his chest, eyes closed as she took it in, and she felt him squeeze her, like he usually does to comfort her in hugs. But something about this one felt... off. Annie opened her eyes and noticed her room was noticeably darker.

"What the..." she mumbled.

Annie looked over at the polaroids on the wall and saw splatters of blood covering nearly all of them. Her breathing became more labored as she realized what was happening. Steve kept squeezing, harder and harder, and Annie felt like he was going to crush her ribs.

"Steve- Steve you're hurting me," she forced out since it was too hard to take in a full breath.

The fabric that was under her hands suddenly became a strange flesh. "Oh, Annie..." came a growl. The voice that used to belong to Steve was suddenly Vecna, and Annie felt the terror clinging to her. "Nothing can stop this. Nothing can save you. Especially not these things you call memories on your walls... no matter where you are, I will find you."

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