Chapter Forty-Four

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Chapter Forty-Four: Safe & Sound

"Annie, Max is here!"

"Send her up!" The brunette yelled, continuing on writing without looking away. Max was a bit early, but it was fine, it meant she could add a note to the letter Annie was writing.

"Dear Will and Jane:

I'm so glad to hear about everything! You better take a polaroid of that painting once it's done and send it in the next letter because I so need to see it. And Jane, I'm sure you'll get the hang of English class. It can be kind of hard and weird, but sometimes you just make stuff up about what you read and if you can back it up, the teacher likes it, too.

I know there's the summer, and we just saw you guys a couple months ago, but I'm really sad my mom said no to me going to California. I really miss you guys and really want to see Lenora! Plus, I need to beat that Angela chick up, she sounds like a bitch.

Okay, so I wouldn't but if Max came with me she totally could. Just promise me, El, you'll tell Mike some of what's going on? Not everything, but he knows what it's like to get bullied. He'd understand.

Leaving room for Max to write but I better get the polaroid, Will! I will walk to California if I have to!


She had just finished signing it when Max knocked on the door and pushed it fully open. "What's up Barbie? Finished your letter to the Cali peeps?" she asked, making her way over to Annie's desk.

The redhead left a kiss on the crown of Annie's head before picking up the letter. "Yep, and I left enough room for you to write something if you want to," Annie said, moving from her chair so Max could sit.

The redhead took the brunette up on the offer and sat down to write something down. "Oh hey," Max said, grabbing Annie's attention. "Can I have some of the painkillers?" Max gestured to the bottle in the corner of Annie's desk.

She nodded. "Yeah, sure. I don't think my parents have noticed I've taken it yet," Annie replied, and the girls chuckled.

She sat on the edge of her bed, and Annie put her new Converse on- some cute yellow ones Max got her for her birthday. They went well with the yellow shirt Steve got her for Christmas.

"Don't forget, I have one more practice today after school before the rally and game tomorrow," Annie said after she tied her shoes up. She stood from her bed and walked up behind Max to wrap her arms around her shoulders.

Her eyes trailed along the words Max wrote. She agreed with Annie, that Angela sucked and she missed them. There was an added note about how they better go to the beach during spring break, cause it should start to warm up.

Max signed it and handed the letter to Annie. "Drop it off after school?" Max asked. "Well, after your practice I mean."

"Yep. I don't know how long practice will be, but we should have time!" Annie carefully placed the now sealed letter in between the pages of a book and put it all in her backpack before zipping it up.

"You excited?" Max asked, her smile wide as she nudged Annie's shoulder.

The girl rolled her eyes and slung her backpack over the other shoulder, so she wouldn't hit Max. "Maybe a little, especially because the next time I'll be cheering, it'll be as a sophomore! I get just a tad bit more respect than I currently do."

"Oh, they're not that bad, are they?" Max asked, somewhat serious. "If they are you better tell me. I'll take care of it."

Annie laughed, harder than she meant to. "Oh god, oh, I am so sorry Red you know I don't mean to make fun, but still, that was hilarious," Annie said, catching her breath.

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