Chapter fifteen

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I heard laughter, cars, birds, people. As I opened my eyes, and they finally adjusted to the light, slipping through the curtain, I slowly remembered where I was. The next thing I perceived was the pressure on my side. It took me a moment to realizes that it was him. I was the little spoon, and he was the big spoon.

"Collin?" I whispered while I couldn't hide a smile.

But all I got in return was a cute grumble.

The thing is, we had separate beds and we went to bed in two different beds, a few feet apart. But in the morning, I woke up to Collin lying in mine. It wasn't like I minded it. I was just wondering. "What are you doing in my bed?"

It seemed like Collin needed a few moments to fully wake up, so I watched him as he sat up and with that revealed his shirtless upper body. He rubbed his eyes with his fists like little paws and it looked so adorable.

"Are you alright?" Collin then asked in his raspy morning voice, turning his head towards me. I had straightened up as well, so we were eye to eye.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I answered wondering.

"Well, last night I think you had a nightmare... That's why I lay down with you." Collin furrowed his brows, probably confused as to why I didn't remember.

"Oh... Yeah, sometimes I dream about the accident... But I'm fine now... Thank you... for laying down with me." I smiled, while I reached for Collin's hands. Meanwhile I didn't break the eye contact though, and neither did he.

Collin slightly leaned forward keeping his gaze locked with mine, so I followed lead until our lips collided midway. It was an affectionate kiss. No tongue and slow and it lasted as long as it could, which meant that, after a while, we were interrupted by a tempestuous knocking. We broke the kiss and I frantically got up and looked for my phone while Collin seemed to be a little dazed, still sitting on the bed.

"What time is it?" I exclaimed in my rush and since I couldn't find my phone, I answered the door.

"It's nine fifty. Breakfast is only till ten." Nick greeted me with a stern look, as I opened the door. He was alone and his blond, ruffled hair gave away that he had just woken up as well.

"Oh... okay. Where are the others?" I asked, while I got back inside and continued looking for my phone. Nick followed me inside, greeting Collin with a quick nod.

"They are still sleeping. We should go down and ask if we can eat later."

"Yes, found it" I said to myself when I found my phone. It only had forty percent left, but I forgot to bring a charger, so I turned it off again. "Okay. Then let's go."

"Is your boyfriend coming too, or should we let him sleep?"

"What? Collin is already awa-" As I turned around, to point at Collin, I saw him laying again, with his eyes closed. He fell asleep again.

"Well, then I guess it's just us." I gave in.

We walked down the stairs and over to the receptionist. I asked if we could still get something to eat, but she told us that it was only possible till ten.

"Well then, we still have a few minutes. Can we take the food for our friends to the rooms?" I asked, pointing upstairs.

"I mean... technically not... but I'll make an exception. Just don't make a mess."

"Oi! Thank you so much! We won't! Thank you!" I cheered.

So Nick and I made our way to the dining room of the hotel. We really hurried to get all the food we needed for six people. After we had everything, the waitresses came to clean everything up, so we went upstairs before they could forbid us to take all the food.

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