Chapter three

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"Oh, someone is calling me." I said rather to myself. I didn't look at my phone to see who it was, I just answered it. As I heard whose voice it was on the other side, my face went straight to panic and sadness. It was Lia, Jack's sister. The fact that it was Lia didn't scare me. She and I were good friends actually. It's just that I hadn't heard from here much since Jack's death. So I was scared that something bad had happened. I didn't know why though. I just had a bad feeling in my gut. I started walking outside and because Collin noticed that something must've been wrong, he followed me.

"Ena, what's wrong?" he asked with a really worried voice.

"Hello." I spoke into my phone.

"Hi, Ena. I know we haven't spoken for a while now, but you need to hear this. Some new guy at the police went through old files for practice or something, and he found something odd about Jack's case, so he showed it to the other policemen, and they went through it again and now... they don't think it was an accident anymore."

"...what..." My voice cracked, as I had a big lump in my throat. I couldn't believe what I had heard. Did someone plan... on purpose... to murder Jack?

"They're still not sure what exactly happened, but I just thought you should know..." she said with a lowered voice. I could hear that she was just as broken as I was.

"...yeah, thank you..." I said while gravity pulled down my hand that was holding the phone. I could barely hear Lia say goodbye, or something like that, while I felt my eyes watering. I stood there and only then I saw Collin standing over there, on the porch of this beautiful home, watching me. He looked so worried and nearly hurt. Because of me? And I wanted to go to him. I just wanted comfort and I wanted to continue partying. I wanted to live a normal life again, but I couldn't, because there was just too much pain.

And then gravity took me down completely. My legs couldn't hold me anymore. That was when Collin started running towards me. "Ena, what the hell happened?"

I could barely speak, but I tried to tell him. I didn't care anymore that I had just met him. I just needed someone to comfort me in that moment. "They think... they think he got... he got murdered..." I must have shocked him pretty bad with that, because I hadn't told him about Jack. He had no idea what I was talking about.

"What!? Who?" He was really scared. I needed to explain that he had nothing to worry about, so I took all my energy left, what wasn't much, because I was crying really hard, to tell him.

"Jack!" Collin didn't know anything about Jack, but at least he wouldn't have to worry anymore that it was someone he knew, like maybe Nick, and in that moment, he didn't need to know who Jack was. He knew that Jack must have meant a lot to me and that I just needed some help in that moment. So he was there for me and tried to comfort me a little bit, by hugging me carefully and yet with all the tightness I needed.

"I'm so sorry, Ena!" he whispered softly in my ear.

After a while of just sitting there on the ground, under the dark sky and crying, Mona came outside and found us there. As always, she was really sweet. "What happened?" she asked really concerned.

"I think we should go home... Can you stand up?" Collin replied rather to me than to Mona, without explaining to her what had happened. Maybe he didn't want to say it again in front of me, because it would hurt to hear it again. So, they brought me to Collin's car, and he drove us to my apartment. When we got inside, Collin made some tea while Mona sat on the couch next to me, leaving a hand on my shoulder.

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