Chapter seven

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The next day, after university, I didn't have to go to the café, because I had a day off and Mona was up on her feet again. So I used the time to go to the police. But I promised Collin, I would call him.

"Hey." Collin happily greeted me over the phone.

"Yeah, hi. I'm on my way to the police right now." I didn't really bother making small talk with all those thoughts running through my mind at that moment, so I just told Colling straight forward what I wanted to say.

"Oh okay. Well, I'm going to need ten minutes or so." He sounded a bit ashamed because he couldn't be there immediately, but that wasn't his fault. I just forgot to tell him.

"Yeah no, that's fine." I reassured him.

"Good, I'll see you then."

"Yeah bye."

So, I walked to the police station and went inside, seeing Albert. Everyone else in the building seemed pretty busy, but Albert was the only one to notice me, so he walked over to me. "Hello, Ena. What are you doing here?" He greeted me with a friendly smile and a proper handshake.

"Well actually I have something... about Jack." I said, as I let go of his hand and kind of forced myself to look in his eyes, because somehow, I was ashamed of being back there. I felt embarrassed because of what happened in that store, because of me, but I knew I had to do this. I promised Nick and Collin.

"Okay. Just wait a sec, I'm going to be there for you in a minute." Albert though, was professional about it. He took me seriously and it gave me the confidence of telling him what I wanted to say, what I found out, even though I shouldn't have. I also was glad that he needed some minutes before he could talk to me, because then Collin would have time to get there, to be by my side.

"Yeah, don't stress about it." As I waited for Albert to come back, Collin did arrive in time and we went to a room, so the three of us could talk in private.

I started talking first. "So, we went to the tiny store two days ago and we met this guy, Paul. He was French and... he threatened me with a knife and a gun, and he said that we should talk to Frank Pierce, but he wouldn't tell us who he was or where we could find him, so I looked him up in a phone book and I found thirteen of him. So maybe you could visit them and then he could maybe tell us something more about everything?"

"You did what?!" To my surprise, Collin seemed a bit angry as I looked at him. I didn't get it though, so I moved on, ignoring him for the moment.

Albert went on with the conversation, being kind of shocked, rightly so in contrast to Collin. "He threatened you?! Why didn't you come here sooner?!"

"Well I... I..." ...had to work. But I couldn't say that. So I just stuttered on until Albert interrupted me.

"Okay... We're going to send a team there to check on this... Paul. I'll be back in a flash..." Albert went outside talking to other policemen, who were then on their way to the store. Meanwhile, I was alone with Collin.

"You looked him up in a phone book? Why didn't you tell me?" he then asked, taking advantage of us being alone. But I still didn't get why he was so upset about the fact that I looked him up in a phone book. I mean, yeah, I said I would tell him everything from there on but looking his name up in a phone book didn't seem like a big deal to me.

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