Chapter six

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"What do you want to do now?" Collin asked.

I looked over to him, our noses just a few inches apart. "Don't know... But do you want to know what I'm thinking?"

"Yeah, spill it out." I could see a small smile in the corner of his mouth. I thought it was cute.

"You gave me this notebook, which I love, because you know that I love writing stories, but I couldn't give you anything back, because I don't know what you love. I really have no idea who you are. And I mean we have just met a few days ago, but you have been there for me a lot since then already. I kind of think we should know a bit more about each other before we continue this." I confessed, turning my head, looking at the ceiling again.

"Continue... this?" is all Collin said.

But he was right. What was this. But no. I just meant... like our... friendship? Okay, I had no idea what 'this' was.

"Well, like our... relationship. Maybe friendship?" I finally answered after a while of just staring at the ceiling and thinking. I turned to him again and saw a small grin.

"Sure, we're friends." His grin turned into a decent but genuine smile and then he continued after a few minutes of silence again. "I think you do know some things about me, right? And also, you don't have to give me anything back. That's the whole idea of a present."

"Yeah. I just wanted to say with that, I want to know you better, because do I know stuff about you? I'm not sure. I mean, I don't even know your name." I said with the last sentence ending in a whisper.

But Collin had heard. "You don't... you don't know my name?" he said playfully offended.

"Well, I know that you first name is Collin, but what about your last name? Or your middle name? If you even have one." I said, continuing the conversation seriously.

"Yeah, I do have a middle name."

"Would you mind telling me then?" I chuckled.

"Collin Thomas Riggs." He said in a really slow pace that made it sound quite important.

"Mr. Riggs, huh? Nice to meet you!" I called, whereupon I received an adorable little laugh from Collin.

"Yeah. What about you?" he continued, placing his hand on my knee. He had stopped laughing and was serious again. I didn't get him. In one moment, he was behaving like a little child and in the next he seemed so grown up.

My skin under Collins hand was tingling. It wasn't an unpleasant tingling, it was quite nice, even though there was fabric of my trousers between our skins. That feeling and the knowing that his hand was there made it somehow harder for me to answer his question. But I tried not to show it. "I'm... Ena Helen Blau."

"Ena Helen Blau." he repeated carefully with a smile and a twinkle in his breathtaking, brown eyes that were looked on a point on my wall, as if he was concentrating on my name to never forget it again.

After I had admired him for a while from where I was sitting next to him, he took his hand away, leaving my knee a little cold, and spoke again. "What is something that really means a lot to you?"

"Hm, I don't know... That's a really difficult question. I don't know if I can answer it so spontaneous."

"Then just say something that comes to your mind that you really, really like."

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