Chapter nine

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It was Sunday morning, and I could feel light pressure on my shoulder. It took me a minute to remember where I was, but when I did, I knew what it was. It was his head. He made me smile even though he was asleep, but I carefully removed his head and made sure that it was comfortable leaning against the backrest of the couch.

I glanced at my phone and checked the time. It was six am. I was surprised that I was already awake, but I wasn't tired anymore.

I saw plenty of massages from Nick. He must've been so worried because I haven't spoken to him in days.

I wanted to call him, but I couldn't do it next to Collin because I was afraid, I would wake him, so I went to his bathroom.

"Hey, Ena?" Nick worriedly and hopefully asked.

"Yeah, hey Nick. Did I wake you?" I asked, trying to find out if Nick would be mad at me for ditching him.

"Yeah, kind of. But are you okay? I haven't heard anything from you in days!" He was just worried, thankfully not angry.

I still felt bad, though. "I know, I 'm sorry. I just... kind of had a fight with Collin... But I think we'll be alright."

"Oh, no. Are you sure?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it... But what about you? I haven't heard from you in days either." I said leading the conversation away from Collin and me.

"Well, I was catching up with some friends, but mostly I was just worrying about you." he sarcastically said, but it rather sounded like it was the truth.

I talked a little with Nick, realizing how much I missed him, but eventually I walked back to the living room to find the couch empty, where Collin was supposed to be. I looked around and found him standing at the table looking sad and worried but then released as he saw me.

"Oh, thank God, you're still here!" He let out a breath of relieve and walked towards me, just to then abruptly stop in front of, as if he realized that we just had a fight the night before.

"Yeah, I was just in the bathroom. Did you think I went home without saying anything?" I asked confused.

"I thought maybe you had changed your mind and realized that you weren't ready just yet to spend time with me again."

"Oh... No, Collin. I'm still not sure about... this, but I do like spending time with you, so... No, I won't bail on you." I gave him a simple smile, reassuring him that he could relax a little bit again, and even spread my arms, ready for a hug.

He smiled and walked over to me accepting the hug. "So, it's Sunday and I have nothing to do... Do you have to do something?" he carefully asked.

I knew where this was leading. He wanted to spend even more time with me. But I didn't have anything to do. I could've studied, but you know. And I didn't feel like I had to stay away from Collin anymore. "I guess not."

"So... would you, maybe, like to go for a walk... with me?" Collin was scratching the back of his head while he looked at the floor. I hated that he was so scared after our conversation, but it was better than if he wouldn't respect me and my feelings.

So I guessed I could go with him. "Yeah. Sounds nice." I replied simply.

"Okay, then... Let's go!" He shyly smiled at me and walked towards the door, putting on his shoes.

I followed lead, but... "Where to?"

"Not going to tell you." he said with his back facing me. I would have to trust him. I was scared, but nevertheless, I still went. I left my bag with the groceries from the night before in Collin's apartment and just grabbed my phone and keys and walked after him.

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