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The team and I were all talking in the dugout about random topics, then I looked up at the announcers box and saw a new yet, familiar face. Could it be him? I wondered as I turned back to the team who was now talking about the best pitcher. Then we had to warm-up for the game we had in about 2 hours.

After we were all warmed up, the opposite team came and did batting practice. I found Harper and gave her a kiss.
"Make sure to look at the new announcer, good luck." She said with a wink. What the hell, what about the announcer?

The game started and it was one of our biggest rivals- the giants.
The crowd was roaring and chanting 'let's go dodgers' and some others were saying 'beat LA'
It wasn't that intimidating to me though, we were up first.

it was my turn to bat, I had to hit off Brandon Crawford. Not too hard I thought. He pitched the first pitched and boom, the announcers were going crazy. "Man first pitch and an amazing swing sent that ball soaring over the left field fence, by none other than Benny 'the jet'.
I looked up at the box to see Scotty small standing there saying that, he smiled at me and I shot a thumbs up.
Man that's not little Scotty I thought as I jogged back to the dugout, and I got many congrats.

After extra innings, we finally beat the giants 10-9.
I found Harper in the hallways, she was talking to smalls. "Hey didn't know you filled in the spot?" I said giving him a fist bump, "yeah just this weekend applied and got it." He said, we talked for about 10 minutes and caught up on a few things. "Ok well see ya tomorrow scotty, we gotta get home. Tonight was a long game" I said, "I agree see ya." He said. "Bye Smalls." Harper said and we walked to the car, "that was nice seeing him." She said, "yeah I wish the rest could be here too tho." I said pulling out of the parking lot, she nodded.


We finally got home after the extra inning game, and we were both super tired. "Night love." Benny said giving me a kiss then rolling over, "night Benny." I said closing my eyes.

The next morning I woke up with a massive headache, so I made a cup of coffee for myself.
Benny had morning conditioning at the stadium so it was just me till lunch.
I just laid on the sofa all morning because my head and stomach was killing me.
I called Benny but he didn't answer, prolly since he was at an away game.

I quickly ran to the bathroom and puked in the toilet, "aw shit." I said
Ok maybe I should get this checked out.
I got in the car and drove to the dr office, I started to get nervous. Yes I'm 22 and still get super anxious at the drs office or even the parking lot.

I filled out the paper work and sat down in the waiting room, about 10 minutes later a nurse came out.
"Rodriguez?" She said, I nodded and followed her. "Do you know Benny Rodriguez by any chance?" She asked me.

"Yeah very well. I'm his wife." I said and she was shocked, basically everyone reaction when I say that.

"Oh well aren't you lucky, they are having a real good season." She said leading me into the room, I nodded.

"Ok the doctor will be in shortly." She said as I sat on the plastic covered chair. I hate that feeling of this chair, it makes my stomach flop- wait no that's my stomach in general.

The doctor came in, she was real friendly. "Hello mrs Rodriguez, I'm dr Howard. What's bothering ya?" She asked,
"I woke up with a terrible headache and my stomach was turning, then I puked." I said groaning, "oh well I might know what it is from those symptoms but let me just take a few tests." She said pulling a cart towards her, "ok." I said.

She disappeared with my tests for awhile and came back with a smile on her face, "ok everything looks good." She said, "but?" I asked. "Well....." the doctor said, I was super excited by the news.

-end of chapter-

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